understand SUCCESS.
There are aspects YOU need to know.
IN GENERAL; Success starts as a particular person’s ideas,
feelings, desires or mental concept, in a process, with a
beginning, middle and end.
feelings, desires or mental concept, in a process, with a
beginning, middle and end.
Success exists both, in it’s initial potential and in it’s real ultimate
actuality. This process is both internal (mind and body) and
external. (in the material-physical world)
AT BEGINNING, interesting or exciting ideas and feelings get a
person to imagine a potential worthwhile goal.
* When ‘you’ are conscious and clear about the desired goal idea,
(interest or excitement,) a real aware choice can be made. The
better to best choices are made with a true consciously aware
‘committed-decision’ to achieve it.
better to best choices are made with a true consciously aware
‘committed-decision’ to achieve it.
DURING MIDDLE, there is a process where the goal idea and
feelings are sustained close to the front of your brain-mind. You
have faith, trust, courage and determination in and about yourself.
have faith, trust, courage and determination in and about yourself.
* You act and move appropriately, using your energy,
consciousness and resources intelligently to advance and progress
toward this desired goal that you have chosen and decided upon.
AT END, you arrive and are brought to the achievement phase
of manifestation or materialization. Your pre-determined goal is
of manifestation or materialization. Your pre-determined goal is
realized and actualized. You feel good about it.
not succeeding can look to these pointers.
1) They may not be clear about what they want. (clear headed
thinking can be unwanted hard work for some people. It takes
sorting through thoughts and feelings, which at times can be
2) They may not be able or aware of the choice and conscious
decision aspect.
3) They may be unwilling to pay the ‘cost-price’ that comes
with the decision. (“Decision” means killing off all of the other
conflicting options. There are people who do not want to cut off
their other potential or prospective opportunities.)
[called; ‘opportunity costs.’]
* The cost-price is usually less about money and more about
self-discipline and self management.
with the decision. (“Decision” means killing off all of the other
conflicting options. There are people who do not want to cut off
their other potential or prospective opportunities.)
[called; ‘opportunity costs.’]
* The cost-price is usually less about money and more about
self-discipline and self management.
4) They may not be willing or able to stay committed to their
choice, (Personal sabotage and or constraints are some of many
reasons some may quit on their decision-choice.)
* Be aware of what you choose and commit to. A commitment is
actually a "promise to self," and if not kept, this reduces or destroys
reasons some may quit on their decision-choice.)
* Be aware of what you choose and commit to. A commitment is
actually a "promise to self," and if not kept, this reduces or destroys
5) Courage may be required at times, for some, to stay
6) Consciousness is elastic and you may need to expand and
grow into a greater higher conscious awareness. (Albert Einstein
told us, we can not solve problems with the same consciousness
that created the problem.) [read into this statement, that ignorance
is not bliss]
that created the problem.) [read into this statement, that ignorance
is not bliss]