…My son M (name) told his son (T, name) - a ‘young’ 21 years old)
about my blog. When he read it he was not prepared for what he read.
He told his dad he was a bit upset,.. (I'm guessing his wondering about
this new Spiritual and metaphysical "channeling" material he had not
known before.) He (M) also exchanges some personal stuff including
health issues.
about my blog. When he read it he was not prepared for what he read.
He told his dad he was a bit upset,.. (I'm guessing his wondering about
this new Spiritual and metaphysical "channeling" material he had not
known before.) He (M) also exchanges some personal stuff including
health issues.
(here's and edited version of my email to my son)
Hello M (son's name)
I love you of course and care very much about you and your health.
I'm learning that "health" (of every description) is about your native
energy states...
if there is disease and discomfort in you there is an of energy of
if there is disease and discomfort in you there is an of energy of
"DIS'....'EASE." (not of ease) Body issues are the ultimate end result
Regular doctors are usually only able to "mask" the symptoms and
rarely do they cure and heal you. True healing comes from God and
Spirit inside of yourself. The best medicine is LOVE IN YOUR HEART,
HATE, FEAR or any form of negativity is the culprit. SO, correct and
persistent forms of forgiveness are truly good medicines. Laughter
helps heal. (even if its fake and forced)
(son talks about and questions my age) ...About me, almost 77,
I'm happy about all that I've been able to be, do and see. I'd like
to have more "time" to see if I can do somethings better, to sort of
self-improve from a human perspective,
(son talks about and questions my age) ...About me, almost 77,
I'm happy about all that I've been able to be, do and see. I'd like
to have more "time" to see if I can do somethings better, to sort of
self-improve from a human perspective,
(about my health,) ... looking back at all the playing athletic sports
activities I've done, this may be why I'm as healthy as I seem to be.
but something in me tells me its all the work of God and a reward of
sorts for my working on raising my conscious awareness, to become
more loving and lovable. (and to be of service)
(Q. about car) I hope you find the right car. I'll pray for this for you.
about T (name) reading my blog.......*upset?, To truly understand me
(Q. about car) I hope you find the right car. I'll pray for this for you.
about T (name) reading my blog.......*upset?, To truly understand me
and this blog, he or anyone should read all of it with an "open" mind.
Here’s an easier digested note, to give him. print out the following
message for him.
Hello M (son's name) (print this out to read again later
and to give to your son T.)
These are 25 critical points to share & tell T.
and to give to your son T.)
These are 25 critical points to share & tell T.
T. you need not be upset about the unknown or anything if
you have love in your heart.
you have love in your heart.
1, I am one of the good guys and I am protected by God
and the forces of good.
2, I have been journaling (which turned into channeling) for
many years now.
3, I no longer need to use different hands, or pencils and
4, I have graduated to computer and can use a letter “R” or
a “Q” to represent questions.
a “Q” to represent questions.
5, I was told I could use the trinity pyramid symbol ▲ to
represent God or his agents response.
6, God’s reply can come directly from God or one of God’s
agents. i.e., Lord Michael, Archangel, Jesus or an
ascended master like St. Germain or others.
7, They/God will tell me supportive material relative to my
question, but will not tell me things that could actually
interfere with my own free will. (they are delicate and
shrewd in their answers to me and my questions)
8, I, (as well as all of us) am supposed to analyze / figure
out what I want to do or be. What experience do I
want or need?
9, I am protected by the forces of light. I have no fear
about this.
10, I am told, I am here, in this lifetime in a role as a volunteer,
a utility player and could be used in a variety of ways.
a utility player and could be used in a variety of ways.
11, I had no awareness of this until after my 45th birthday
(maybe it was 46 or 47.)
12, Life-‘in-carnations’ are for God’s pleasure and
benefit as well as….our own.
13, WE are here for the experience opportunities.
14, Life is eternal and we are immortal.
15, As Human beings we are “swimming” (working) in a
giant pool of consciousness,
16, Consciousness (synonymous to “awareness”) in a
easy to understand model, is attainable or
achievable on a scale of one to one thousand. (from
the work of David Hawkins.- "Power Vs. Force."
the work of David Hawkins.- "Power Vs. Force."
17, Anyone at or below a level of 200 (on this scale) is in
a negative range or place.
18, This (entire) planetary level of consciousness has just
crossed 200 recently. (crossover to positive side)
I read planetary consciousness was about 207.
I read planetary consciousness was about 207.
19, The average USA consciousness is around 350 to
450-ish, on average. (Some places like Afghanistan
could be around 50+/- , for example)
could be around 50+/- , for example)
20, My consciousness is around or just over 500 on
average. In some areas it’s higher but in other areas
its lower. That’s why my average is 500 +/-
21, The 'forgotten kicker' to this ‘measured’ conscious-
awareness level “thing” is that EMOTIONS are a very
real part of how effective your consciousness /
awareness can be used.
22, To rise in conscious (and emotional) awareness, the
challenge and necessity is to be able to ‘scrape off’
and get rid of your bottom dragging or bottom
hanging negativity.
23, (there is more of course)
24, (there is more of course)
25, The end point,…. is the task and challenge of living in
this life time, learning via life experience, is to love,
more, better and greater. To be lovable, and loving.
In a nutshell or in a capsule. this is it.
In “city slicker” movie, “Mitch” (Billy Crystal) asks “Curley”
(Jack Palance) “ What is the secret of living a successful
Curley answers; “To find and live doing that one thing”
(…“and the rest is shit.”)
Mitch replies; “How do I find that one thing?”
Curley answers; …”That is what *You* have to find out.”
(reframe this)
The one thing we all want, (usually without an ability to
articulate this) is “feeling good” and successful at being and
becoming consciously aware of our God connection and that life here
on Earth is a “Experiential” game to play.
becoming consciously aware of our God connection and that life here
on Earth is a “Experiential” game to play.
It’s a place of illusion, for spirits (souls) to have a place to gain
experience. To have Experiential opportunities, in how to be loving
and lovable. Most people hear about; “Spiritual life is Immortal and
Eternal” but usually do not think carefully on this or truly accept it….
experience. To have Experiential opportunities, in how to be loving
and lovable. Most people hear about; “Spiritual life is Immortal and
Eternal” but usually do not think carefully on this or truly accept it….
AND, yet,
People internally, can recognize wanting their own
The challenge is to go out and find these things that are
important to you. ___________________________
important to you. ___________________________
PS, I wish I was told these things as a child but I was not.
And,….(while there are always exceptions, here is a general
rule of thumb, on how it all turns out)
And,….(while there are always exceptions, here is a general
rule of thumb, on how it all turns out)
About friends, You will become about as Worldly-successful
as your 3, (5, or 10) closest friends you that you hang out with.
as your 3, (5, or 10) closest friends you that you hang out with.
About your mate, You will be happy only to the extent you
have a good loving functioning relationship. (usually)
have a good loving functioning relationship. (usually)
About your general success, Your work will be critically
important in so many ways, its hard to express. Your Social,
Financial and Material abilities and results connects solely
to your vocation and work (usually)
important in so many ways, its hard to express. Your Social,
Financial and Material abilities and results connects solely
to your vocation and work (usually)
About having your right-life, it will depend on finding and
doing your right work, having your right friends and having
your right-mate in this lifetime. And if you don’t get it this
time there will be other “times.” To work additionally on
these matters. (usually)
doing your right work, having your right friends and having
your right-mate in this lifetime. And if you don’t get it this
time there will be other “times.” To work additionally on
these matters. (usually)
I love you all. save this material for reading over again.
it may be a stretch of consciousness to "get it."
You can share this with adult children and friends who
you think could “get it.” { This material could be like a
“City Slicker moment” for those you love and share this.}
you think could “get it.” { This material could be like a
“City Slicker moment” for those you love and share this.}