Character traits
T /F« to excel in the real world, intelligence has to be nestled
in certain character traits and dispositions.
▲ True. This is significant and is greatly overlooked. A
“good” honest person is usually honest and a thief is
usually dishonest. A liar is usually a liar and a kind
person is usually kind. A smart, kind honest intelligent
person is likely to succeed at whatever they do in life.
(especially if they accept the idea of personal
T/F Everything important about people, comes down to character.
▲ True. See prior answer.
Q, « What explains character? How do you create or develop
a good to great character?
▲ This is a very good question. It is not easily answered
in a few lines of copy. A person’s character is built
over lifetimes and is a part of the Soul-history. It takes
living and it takes experience and adjustments in how
and what one thinks and how one behaves. A character
reflects what has gone before in choices, decisions and
what has been allowed, or not allowed, for better or worse.
Alphabetic letters are called characters in typography.
Notice that a certain type-character does not change.
“Times New Roman” font characters are going to be
and stay Times New Roman characters and wont
become different like Arial font characters.
Characters are meant to be “fixed.”
T/F« We are ruled by arrangements and conditions. If so,
explain choice and one’s ability to Choose to change
arrangements and conditions.
▲ You are ruled by arrangements and have limited free
will choice. As humans you are limited. You are
conditioned and patterned as you grow from
childhood into adulthood.
childhood into adulthood.
T/F« Is it true and do I understand I can’t change myself by
myself. If so explain.
▲ For the most part you cannot change yourself by
yourself. In small ways you can and do change
gradually by the thoughts you think, by the feelings you
feel and by your acts of behavior but these are not the
big changes that need to happen at the level of
character and at the soul level. In order to contribute
and participate in positive change you will be wise to
associate with good to better people. This is the
influence that will mean the most to you in any given
lifetime. One exception to the rule, is to be able to
navigate into the areas of the subconscious mind –
Theta consciousness, and to cooperate with your own
“Source Mind.” AND OF COURSE, GOD can supply
you with GRACE.
T/F« Behavior is largely shaped by the unconscious /
subconscious level 1, cognition. If there is better word or
term, than cognition, what is that?
▲ True. Spirit and Soul are actively connected to you via
these areas of consciousness. Your soul history and
all of your long term memory is her in direct
communication. When you think you are operation
consciously this is only partly correct. you are never
free of this part of the whole you that is unconscious to
you at the conscious level. Cognition is a good or OK
term. The personality’s behavior is never unconnected
to the whole being, which includes the Soul to Spirit
aspect Parts
T/F« 90 % of communication is non-verbal.
▲ True and it could be more in some cases. Review the
prior answer and remember The Soul to Spirit, God Parts
of you are always communicating to you at the Human
personality level.
Q, Competition is a deeply ingrained and necessary fact of life.
▲ True. (but) There is meant to be a balance of both
competition and cooperation. As an individual you will
think selfishly at times and want to compete for what is
thought to be a scarcity of material and resources. But
as a socially responsible person, and as a part of a
larger family-group you will be inclined to help and
cooperate for the greater good of the whole family-group
that you belong to.
T/F« The true function of the state should be to make the chances
of competition more even and equal, not to abolish
▲ Yes, we agree. This would be ideal. Think of this and
work for it in any way you can bring this about. In
working for this remember the cooperative aspects of
how this form of competition would help the entire
society. Cooperative competition!
T/F« The conscious mind can influence the subconscious mind.
▲ True. Think of the conscious mind as a working
mechanism similar to an adjustable light, rheostat dial.
Think of the subconscious mind as always on.
Depending on how “on” or awake the conscious mind is,
to that degree it can influence the subconscious mind.
Yes the conscious mind makes choices and decisions
but it doesn’t always see and know the ramifications of
these choices and decisions. Many are not in your own
best interest. Time and experience shows this.
Q, « Is the conscious mind or conscious will an illusion? Explain
▲ No. As explained, The conscious mind is elastic and
can and does grow into higher and higher levels of
awareness. The goal is that after many lifetimes the
conscious mind will be absorbed into and equal to the
subconscious mind. Here is where and when you would
be a completed Soul-Self.
T/F Level 2, -conscious mind, uses working memory systems.
If so, explain the ramifications of this.
▲ True. To understand this you would need a better
understanding of a person’s brain-mind system and
anatomy. Rather than getting technical let’s say there
is both short term memory and long term memory. The
long term memory can be divided into the human, - this
lifetime, long term memory and the Soul’s long term
permanent memory. Human memory can be and is
often fallible but Soul memory is not fallible.
Q«, Do I understand the differences between these two systems? Explain
▲ Partly you do understand but you often forget these
differences. Your personal human memory has been
subjected to your pre-life and genetic agreements.
T/F Moral sentiments are subject to conscious review, to
change, or improvements.
▲ Yes. This is obvious when you think bout it. So much
of life is relative to who you are, where you have been
and what you have experienced. Your level and types
of experience and developed consciousness is factored
into what is before you. Your decisions and actions are
influenced by who you are being and who you wish to
T/F« (per author) Begin to be aware of Awareness itself, …(with
the right kind of training.) We will be able to peer beneath
the waterline of consciousness
▲ Basically correct and it will take some good and
determined training. The book about “The One
Command” talks about this training
Q, « is conscious mind more servant or more like the master.
▲ Depends on your point of view. In any given lifetime
view, use your conscious mind as a leadership function
for making choices and decisions. In the Rider and
Elephant metaphor, you can use the subconscious
mind as the elephant to do the heavy lifting work for you.
Too many humans think they have to do the work by
themselves in their conscious mind mode of activity. This
is a dull and laborious path to follow.
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