Friday, April 1, 2011

Continuing Q & A on "THE SOCIAL ANIMAL" 'B'


            T/F«   We become who we will Be and become, in conjunction
                        with the significant people in lives.
                  True.  Never forget and never underestimate the power
                        of who you come from and who You associate with.  This
                        influence is extremely powerful.  As this book is telling
                        you, in large part, you are Social Animals.  You are
                        more than this of course but don’t underestimate, the
                        social part of who you are while you are here on earth.


 T/F       People have an inbuilt bias towards the static and status quo.
      True.  You all will normally gravitate towards comfort
             where and when you can find it.   Work is called work
             because it is usually not comfortable.  Play is activity
             that you call fun and not work.  Resting and comfort are
             natural but so is work and play.  Live a balanced life if
            possible, as best you can.  It will be your attitude that
            calls it work or play, drudge or fun.

 Q,        If true, how do you get people to move and work for their
            betterment, and for their greater good?  Explain.
      Yes, people do have these biases.  It is normal and
            unavoidable to be patterned with Conditioning, and
            biases.  From within persons’ mind and emotions they
            will get urges, Desires, thoughts and ideas.  It is up to
            the individual person to choose from this stock of
material, and decide what they wish to make of their life.
Parents and Significant Others can try to influence,
mold and shape a person but in the end it is up to the
person themselves to act for the better life they can
see, imagine and act or work for, to progress towards.


Q,        How many brain synaptic connections do I have?  How
            good, functional or effective are my synaptic connections? 
            …(is this relevant?)
      You brain is doing just fine.  It functions well for a
            person of 77 years on this planet.  This is not relevant
           for you to worry about.

Q,        How important and or relevant are my actual experiences to
            my brain to mind connections?
      As just answered this is not relevant for you to be
            concerned about.  For others, experience in this lifetime
            is very important in how your brain and synapses are
           “wired” (so called)  The “Use it or loose it” saying is true.
            How you use your brain-mind determines where it will
            work well or not work so well.  The wise person shapes
            and directs their focus to get the progressive and
            systematic brain-mind development that will pay off in
            greater dividends leading them to achieve their more
            important goals and objectives.  You really can’t have
            everything so you must be selective for what is
            important to you in this lifetime.  Do you choose trivial,
            escape, fun stuff or do you choose matters of substance
            to build a truly better life upon.  Or do you balance it all.

T/F      The brain-mind has a dopamine (and other chemicals)
            reward center.

Q,        Does the ‘reward’ section, – part of my brain work OK?
      Yes it does but it is particularized for you and not others. 
            This is not relevant stuff for you to worry or be
             concerned about, at this time of your long life.

T/F       The main business of the brain is modeling.  It’s propelled
            by the desire for “limerance.”  (author’s term) The desire for
            the moment when the inner and the outer patterns mesh in
            one mind,- (as in single-minded-ness.)
      True.  Use the word ‘single-minded’, its’ more commonly
            understood.  [which is all about getting the subconscious
            and the conscious mind working in synch together] Yes
            the brain models things for you to help in understanding
            what the meaning is to and for you.   It is your guidance
            system.  Remember you can build and improve upon
            your guidance system.  Remember the language of your
            subconscious mind  is in the emotional feelings that are
            sent to your body parts.  Feel your feelings and come to
            understand these feelings.

T/F       The mental system is more geared towards predicting
      Yes, see the prior answer(s)

T/F       Seniors are completely capable of new learning and new
             growth.  The brain is capable of creating new connections
             and holding more information  - explain
      Yes, this is basically true for many of the senior adults
             in your country.  This does of course differ from person
            to person and from country to country. Ones’ culture,
            health and circumstance are important.  In general a
            healthy brain can continue to grow new connections, in
            those areas of interest where there is regular activity.

T/F        Meditation can rewire the brain
      True.  The quality and quantity of it will make a difference
             but this is basically true.

T/F       Journaling can rewire the brain
      True.  The quality and quantity of it will make a
             difference but this is basically true.

Behavioral Economist
T/F       Behavioral economists come closer to explaining accurate
             reality.  Explain
      Yes this is basically true but you do not need to get into

T/F       There are two status economies, a daytime economy and
             a nighttime economy. 
      This is one way of looking at this and does contain an
             interesting idea.

Q,        if true, how do you reach both segments?
      This is a marketing type question.  If you need this
             information choose a good marketer.

T/F       (per author) the world is divided into two types of people.  
            A, Askers and B, Guessers 
     This is one way of looking at this and does contain an
            interesting idea.  But this is not relevant for you to be
            concerned about.

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