Monday, April 4, 2011

The Social Animal "C" continuing


T/F«   We are born, descendents from cooperators.  We are built
           to cooperate.  Explain.  Why is there not more cooperation? 
     When practiced correctly, cooperation is far greater in
            its’ ability to advance all humanity.  It took cooperation,
            for your species, in building culture and institutions, to
           advance to where you are today.  Competition is best for
           those who want to improve themselves internally and

Q,        Why is there so much competition?  As a race, as a species,
             Are we out of balance. Explain what could bring back the
      Errors of judgment have led to selfishness and all kinds
            of other problems.  For this species to right itself it needs
            to come back to cooperation and subdue competition as
            it is being used today.

Q,        Is Cooperation as powerful as Competition?,  or which is
            most powerful?  Explain.
      It will depend on what purpose is focused upon  For this
            issue to change,  people must change and culture and
            institutions must change.  An “Awakening” of sorts must
            occur.  There needs to be a change of heart and a change
            of mind.




T/F       Culture exists to restrain personal desire.
      Yes you could say this in generalized terms.  Culture
             has shown people how to smooth out the roughness
             that would be there without common rules of behavior
and ways of being.  Culture is Civilizing.

T/F       Humans can succeed because they live in and partake of
            culture.  Culture transmits Solutions.
      True.  See prior answer. Lessons learned the hard way
            are remembered and used as shortcuts when the same
            or similar problems comes around again.

T/F       People with their brains, make the world smart, via building
            culture and institutions…so people can be comfortable, dumb
            and at peace,  If true, what are the ramifications of this?
      True.  See prior answers.  It takes much time for the
            lessons to be learned by all of the people and that culture
            needs that time to distill this knowledge.   Subsequently
            culture builds institutions to act as specialized
            repositories and dynamic places for this knowledge and
            practices to be available to the general population of that
            society.  Think of libraries.  Think of technology in many
            various fields.
T/F       Different cultures are not converging but are growing apart
            and more different.
      Partly true, but partly false.  It was once believed that the
            East / Orient would never meet the West/ Occident.  The
            world is shrinking due to advanced technology,
            communication and transportation.  What is known to be
            of value, in one culture is quickly being adopted and
            learned by all others.

T/F       Cultures compete to see if it can do something better for
             the people in that culture
      True.  See prior answers.

T/F      The central truth is that culture, not politics is what determines
            the success of a society.
      This is debatable.  Culture should win out but politics can
            gum up the works and make stupid long term mistakes. 
            Politics is often too short sighted to operate in the long
            term interests.  Greed and Power easily and often
            Interfere with good judgment.

Q,        How do we go about building a good to great culture?
      It will take a change of heart and a change of mind that
            can influence the majority of people in that society,
            culture or civilization.  Cooperation and competition
must be balanced or lean to the side of cooperation,
caring and sharing.

T/F       Politics can change a culture.  Explain
      already answered.  The results and effects of politics
            depends on the quality and wisdom of the politicians.

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