Thursday, October 21, 2010

Continuing regular journaling session, part 3, Wed September 15th


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

R  Thank you very much.  I feel chastened, tagged or touched by this
 last answer.  These are the basics.  Thank you sincerely for your
patience with me.  You know I was asking for something more than
the basics.  What I was aiming for and still am looking for, is some-
thing more like a profession or an occupational activity.  I feel I
should be doing something with the remaining time of my life.  In this
 regard I feel confused, directionless, or aimless.
   OK.  Yes, I did touch and tag you and you still need to pay atten-
tion to the basics.  And yes, I know you’re looking and hoping to find
 some passion and sustaining ambition for the rest of your days. 
Your case is special. (but then, all are)  In your case this journal
and blog work can and should keep you busy for years to come. 
Yes do initiate a blog.  Do read and study and apply yourself in
this arena,
   You may do well in this area and it may or may not become a
famous big deal.  It will be valuable for those souls who do read
and follow this work.  You will get this down well enough so you’ll be
able to do more and or other work as well.
   About the Lord’s prayer, you are perceptive to be able to see
and hear inwardly the conversational aspects of this prayer and
how it works in the back and forth fashion that it does.  
Remember We all are one, all is a unity.
   If you have a sense of humor, remember that you can speak to
 yourself .  Well, so can I..  I can speak to myself in many ways and
 you are speaking to me in another one of those ways I can speak
to myself
   I am not lonely when I have all of the many billions of souls to
care for and attend to.  There was a “time” when I didn’t have
enough to do.  I discovered or invented ‘creation.’ And loved being
 the creator, that I am.  I enjoy creating creation.  You will too and
enjoy creation when you do that.  So, be creative. 
   You will likely revisit the subject of will, God’s will and your own
will again.  This is OK if and when this occurs.  Persist.  Be
determined.  You have a right to know.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box


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