Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"General" continued, Q 46 - 56

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 
46-R,  What is my core problem?   Or issue or challenge to overcome, or solve?
▲  You could say its’ about learning which reality is the real reality.  (hint) 
Ego or personality reality is not it.  See to it that you get the master to 
servant relationship correct.  Subconscious is master and conscious mind is 
the servant.  This is difficult to "get and hold" but this is the chore you must 
get the handle onto and get it right.

47-R,  What is procrastination all about generally speaking and what is mine all 
▲  Procrastination is about not being single-minded.  Single-minded in the 
way that subconscious and the conscious work together like a happy rider 
and elephant team, working together on a good path.
▲  This is what yours and others procrastination is all about.  The 
procrastinator is feeling uneasy about some kind of disconnect.  The 
uneasiness is all about some kind of essential difference in the two different 
mind capacities.  Rider is fearful about doing something “wrong.”  Rather 
than doing something wrong rider just puts thing on hold and or waits for 
new or better instructions or ideas.

48-R, is procrastination a rider/elephant disconnect?  ( c/mind vs. s/c mind 
disconnect) explain
▲  Yes this was just answered.

49-R,  what has been easy for me?  What are my talents?  Vs. what has been 
hard for me and what are my challenges?
▲We have answered this before.  You have many talents and very good 
potential in many areas.  You are to concentrate on your positives at this time.

50-R,  What are the most important things for me to be, do or have in this lifetime?
▲  This has already been answered.  Keep on keeping on.  Practice getting 
and being heart centered and practice, practice and practice.

51-R,  Remind me what is my mission and the best way for me to succeed at it.
▲  Already answered.  Be sensitive to heart information and what it means.

52-R,  What would be the first small sign of success if I were to succeed at my life 
purpose and life mission?
▲Inner knowing would be with you.  Remember, Success, quite to the contrary, 
is not an external thing.  True success starts inside of yourself and comes to 
bring you confidence and the motivation to do what is right for you to manifest 
whatever the external thing would be, if your goal was material.  If your goal is
not material, you’d recognize a state of mind, with being, being-ness and 
becoming that feels complete, satisfactory and very good.

53-R,  which of my behaviors are supporting my mission work?  And which are not?
▲.  In general your behavior is not bad. One can always improve and become 
better.  If you wish to progress faster and better, then pay more attention to 
your heart felt feelings and to build these feelings by giving more attention to 
them.   Have both attention and intention on becoming more heart centered 
and be more patient and more faithful in your belief, trust and surrender to 
the greater larger truer reality of the one source, the creator, the trinity of God.

54-R,  Will partnering or being coached help me to get things done better? Or 
faster?  Explain?
▲We have talked about coaching before.  Look to God as your primary coach.   
Ask, seek and knock for what is truly good and beneficial for your purpose and 
mission work.  It may come to pass that an  expert and or partners will help in 
furthering your work at the correct time.

55-R,  How can “action triggers” create habits?  Help me to understand this better.
▲You recently experienced using your first cup of coffee as a ‘ lead in’ to your
getting on the treadmill for an exercise period.  This is one way an action 
trigger could work.  Mate a need to an action that would be relatively easy for
you to do and see them as a pair that will work together.

 56-R,  What habits do I have that support my life mission?  Which ones don’t?
▲We just about answered this a moment ago talking about behaviors.   
Habits are just repeating  automatic behaviors.   Yes, some of your habits
are not all that productive but you are not supposed to be a machine.  As 
told before, pay more attention to the productive and positive things that 
forward your mission and purpose.  Again, this is heart centered work 
with inner sensitivity.

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

"PATH," Q & A, 34 - 37 & "General" Q & A, 38 - 45

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 
"Switch"  authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; Elephant needs a good path to travel on. 
34-R,  Which path am I on?
▲  You are on a good path, in fact your right path.

35-R,  Do I know if I’m on my right path? 
▲  In your inner self you know you are on the path,  but at times you 
forget it.

36-R,  Will you give me suggestions on how I can shape this path?
▲  You have been told to get closer to your heart feelings.  Live there, 
think with your heart and love, with your heart.  Your sacred heart is 
close to but is different than your physical heart.  For all intent and 
purpose there are practically in the same place.  (one is physical the other 
is nonphysical [or metaphysical])  You can imagine them as one.  Do 
imagine going to and coming from this Sacred Heart.  Practice.  Practice.  
And practice some more.   God is love.  Everything comes from and goes
back to love.  Love is where it is at.

37-  R,  Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath says to “Shape the path” and “Build 
habits.”  Q,  Do I know by now what my path is?  37b-Q,  Which habits should 
I focus on?
▲  You have been told you are on the right path and if you cannot see it
physically, you are to remember to reconnect to this message and know the 
path is not physical rather it is Spiritual and Metaphysical- (non-physical)
▲  You have been told to get heart centered and heart focused.  Be with 
Love, be in love and work for love.  These habits would be best for you.


38- R,  Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath says:  “Shrink the change.” 
Is this the same as creating sub-goals and stepping-stones?  Explain if different.
▲  Pretty much yes. (as the saying goes)  Breaking it down to bite size 
allows one to eat the whole elephant.  Stepping-stones allow one to cross a 
wide rushing stream and stay dry.  Sub-goals allow the conscious mind to 
not get bogged down if the main goal looks or seems too big.  The tactic 
and strategy is to get the conscious mind to be more compliant.

39-R,  Which behavioral goal or goals should I be going after?
▲  This was just answered above.  You have been told to get heart 
centered and heart focused.  Be with Love, be in love and work for love.
▲  You were also told to be and become sensitive to your feelings and 
emotions.  You were told before that “E-Motions” are the energies ('E') 
within that cause you to move into motion. 

40-R,  What is the best first step for me to take?
▲  We remind you of the saying “keep on keeping on”  Continue as you are
and continue what you are doing for us.  Remember to practice the 
emotional sensitivity training effort.

41-R,  How am I doing now?   (On a scale of 10)
▲  WE beg off answering this questionIt could lead too easily into some 
kind of EGO and vanity building thing.
42-R,  How do you want me to be?
▲  Continue doing what you are doing and remember the advice we have 
given thee.

43-R,  what kind of situation am I in right now.
▲  A good situation.  Do not overly concern yourself with off-days and the 
normal ups and downs.

44-R,  How does my identity or lack thereof, affect my change issues? 
▲  We have addressed this question before.  Do not sweat this 'outer'
identity issue thing.  Your true inner identity is forever that as a child 
of God.

45-R,  What is it about failure that hurts so much?
▲  Good question.  The bottom line answer is the EGO does not under-
stand its falsity or its false fantasy construction of itself as the main guy, 
the main man, or main lady.  When the real reality happens to unfold in 
ways not wanted by Ego it gets hurt and feels badly.  EGO wants control 
and the sad thing for Ego is it has no control of Reality.   Sometimes for 
some while the Ego can seem to be in command and controlling things but
it is like a house of cards that will blow away with a good wind.
▲  When your whole-total self is in command, failure is seen as just another 
learning lesson.  Life is all about learning lessons.  Learn this a soon as you 
can.  It will save you hurt and pain.

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Continuing with "Elephant" Q & A, 23 thru 33

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

23-R,  “Switch” authors, Chip & Dan Heath says (in the Rider & Elephant 
metaphor) Elephant is equivalent to the subconscious mind, said to hold
the emotions, belief, memory, soul etc.  This is where feelings would
reside and function. Q, I ask how are my feelings and emotions doing?    
Q,   are they growing in ability to be felt by me?
 ▲  Good questions.  Yes here is where you need some work and 
development.   Remember childhood events shaped somewhat in getting 
your feelings buried and stunted.  Think of the saying “Use it or lose it”    
You as a teenager said you did not want to feel your feelings.  You also 
said you only wanted to trust your rational conscious mind.  This you did 
to a large extent. You developed a well functioning conscious mind and 
ignored your feeling-emotional nature, not completely but for the most part 
you did not pay much attention to feelings and emotions.  If compared 
Emotions to Language development you are still in elementary school with 
your emotions.  Your conscious mind is at a Masters Level, (and possibly 
beyond that in some areas.)
▲  Yes you are attending to emotions better and you are improving.  The 
bottom line shortcut is to go to your heart.  Be there and come from there 
as much as you can..

24-R,  How do I improve my feelings with the “Switch” formula of “SEE, 
▲  This is under the Elephant section and as formulas go its good. 
If and when you ‘see’ in a natural undistorted way, ‘feeling’ of some 
kind would emerge.  This is when your whole self is to get engaged 
as to what these feelings are telling you.  Remember feelings are a 
language unto itself.  Ask what these feelings are telling you and then
respect them as a sign and form of internal communication.

25-R,  about my elephant, (s/c mind) how do I keep my elephant 
motivated?  Explain please.
▲  You can keep your elephant (s/c mind) motivated by shoveling and
feeding the correct kind of fuel into the oven of emotion.  (imagine a 
coal-fired steam engine train)  Good pictures, images and thoughts that
are inspirational and motivational are the fuel ingredients you wish to 
send to your elephant//sub-conscious mind. 
▲Please notice it is the conscious mind that is the shoveling and 
feeding factor.  Its’ sadly under-recognized, the one thing all of you do 
have control of is your conscious minds’ selection process.  Yes, it is 
not easy, if not recognized and not developed but this is how the 
combined system does work.  Why is it so easily forgotten that learning
to walk or talk, riding a bicycle or learning how to drive a car all took 
time and effort.  You each and all should get real about work, time and 
effort.  You are here to experience and Learn.  Its’ your choice.  It is 
your responsibility.

26-R,  How do I build up and or initiate positive emotion for my elephant
(s/c/ mind)
▲  This has just been answered.
27-R,  Author says find the feeling.  If true, how do I improve in this area?
▲  This has just been answered.  WE add (partly for you) you need to 
make a choice and decision to improve in this regard.  And, then you 
need to place attention and intention together with a sense of surrender 
to the primacy of feelings and the emotional language it contains.  Get 
yourself out of elementary school, move higher up the educational 

28-R,  How do I get and keep control my good motivational feelings?
Q,  'Switch'  authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; Elephant has to believe that 
it is capable of conquering the change,  is this true?  Explain please.
▲  Yes this is true.
▲  About keeping and controlling those good motivational feelings, 
again you or one must recognize you possess singularity, individuality
and have a willing choice as to what you will think, do think or not think. 
This was not meant to be easy.  But it is relatively simple to understand. 
▲  What you think and do not think (consciously)  sets the feelings (and
subconscious energy) into motion.  The subconscious// elephant does 
the work. 
▲ ‘ Belief’  is a subject unto itself.  Think of beliefs as ‘ long held 
thoughts.’  Think of them as living invisible energy strands that can and 
do come together as a woven mat. (inside of you – of course) For
“things” to come into being they must pass through this woven energy 
mat and thus can become material.  In short, your beliefs do matter.  
 ▲   (pun intended)

29-R,  ‘Switch’ authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; the elephant looks to the 
herd for cues on how to act and behave.  Is this true?  If so I don’t belong 
to any herd. How does this affect my behavior and me?
▲  Yes, this is true for elephants.  Mammals (people) are meant to be
social animals, with mankind being a special breed of animal, having 
self-awareness, free will choice and souls. (etc.)
▲  Each of you has the challenge to understand the co-mingled nature
of dependence, independence and interdependence.  “No man is an 
island.” Socially there are designated and natural leaders and their 
followers, with some people reluctant and some assertive and some 
▲  About leadership and herds, many to most people are enjoined into 
some kind of collective but not all.  Many others go into a single-solo life
style.  Both are OK but big and powerful leaders go into the social and 
collective mode naturally.  They are usually emotionally adept, grounded
and intelligent.  Their sense of reality and experience seems more real 
and they exude confidence. 
▲  What is not known, by collective intention, much of ones’ coming 
lifetime to-be, is scripted and pre-decided before you come into this 
lifetime.  You each are here to learn and experience certain areas and 
to work with objective themes.  Since life and learning is eternal and you
are immortal,  you have the “time and space” to work all of this 
▲  You my son, are both underdeveloped emotionally and socially in 
this lifetime.  We pre-agreed upon this course of action for you.  You are 
working with a handicap in these areas.  Do remember a handicap is 
only that.
▲  Not a small point is the subject of free will.  In fact, you have limited 
free will choice.  You are free to choose from within a set of proscribed 
conditions and circumstances.  If this is difficult to understand spend 
some time thinking about the bigger picture, including immortality and 

30=R,  How do I create a herd or a group, if I’m supposed to do this? 
▲  Do not worry about this.  The intended plan will happen.

31-R,  Using the elephant metaphor, (for s/c mind) how can I become the
bull elephant?
▲  This is not yours to be concerned about.

32-R,  Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath say; to motivate the elephant 
use lots of compliments, rewards and encouragement.  If true, how do I 
do these things to and for myself?
▲  Yes.  Any and all kinds of positivism are good for the elephant.  If 
you want a motivating picture for yourself,  picture the train engineer or
fireman shoveling coal into the tinderbox and boiler compartment.  In 
other words, keep feeding the good stuff into yourself and your elephant
-subconscious will appreciate that and will perform in a positive way.   
Just having the awareness of being good to your subconscious-
elephant is remarkable and under recognized by most people.

33-R,  T/F Authors say, give the elephant the “Why.” if so explain how this
▲  True, for the most part.  The question “why” is aimed at getting to the
central basic reason for something.  Meaning is there for the whole 
being to understand and to rally behind.  Work, and effort (which is done
by the elephant//subconscious mind) must have sense, meaning  and 
reason behind it for it to be carried out by the subconscious mind,
for the benefit of the whole total being.

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

"Rider" Q & A continued, 14 thru 22


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. You have a 
God-given Right to knowIf you could ask God one question, what would that be?  Please ask 
your question or offer your comments.  Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness.   
Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box.

14-R,  I had been wondering about my inaction and was asking myself what 
could remedy my inaction.  I had asked myself, Should I get a coach?  If so 
please explain what I need coaching in?
▲  It’s your choice but in the larger sense, its unnecessary since you have 
me as your coach.  Let’s you and I become closer friends and we will work 
together on these matters, that are of interest to you and to those above 

15-R,  Is my rider (conscious-mind) short of information, if so please 
▲  The ‘rider’ or conscious mind is always short of some kind of 
information.  In effect, here and now, you don’t and can’t know it all.  So, 
yes you’re short of information.

16-R,  What would have to happen for me to successfully captain Affinity 7 
Works mastermind?
We at this side of things would have to want it to work.  A person, any person  just cannot do anything they desire.  There is more to it,  There are seen and unseen factors and conditions.  There are considerations of merit and desirability.  And yes there is a timing factor.  The verdict is still out as to whether or not to have you concentrate on Affinity 7 Works, a mastermind success system.  Be patient and let us decide first.

17-R,  What is my next best action?
▲  Good question.  What you are doing now is very good and we should 
continue within the limits of your energy or other important considerations.

18-R,  How am I to guide and direct my affairs?
▲  Trust me, your God.  I have your best interests at my heart center.  
You can never go wrong, if you seek the kingdom of heaven.  Go into your 
heart space.  Live there.

19-R,  T/F,  Power is not in my conscious mind. (the book says)
▲  Essentially yes.   There is energy  to run your conscious mind but there is 
no real ‘manifestation’ power in your conscious mind. 

20-R,  T/F,   Ambiguity and confusion exhausts my rider// (conscious-mind.)- 
(the book says)
▲   essentially and emphatically yes.

21-R,  T/F,   Sometimes we cannot trust the rider //(conscious-mind.)  
(book says) ...If so explain
▲  Yes.  Anyone that has taken any psychology class knows this.  
Remember the class on Abnormal Psychology.  It told of many errors in 
the behavior and functioning of the brain-mind, physically, biologically, 
consciously and other ways.  (drugs. Etc,)

22-R,  T/F  'Switch' authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; rider (consc/mind) can 
outsmart the elephant  (s/c mind)  if true, please explain this concept
By design You and your use of conscious mind is how you are to engage
the sub/unconscious mind.  Glenda Green material told you that subconscious 
mind is meant to be your master and conscious mind your servant.  Your 
conscious mind is meant to serve you. (administrator, planner and decider-etc, ) 
Problems develop when you allow the conscious mind to take charge as EGO -
false self and put itself first.  We realize this is newer and complex information 
for some who are not acquainted with body-mind-spirit dynamics.  
▲  About outsmarting your sub-conscious-mind, your conscious mind is 
thinking and giving instructions of what it wants for the powerful ‘Genie’- 
subconscious mind to do.  Your subconscious ‘Genie’ will accept whatever the 
conscious mind gives it so be careful what you give it!  A word to the wise, this
watchfulness is not easy but “This is where the “rubber meets the road.”   In 
an efficient and mysterious way the subconscious mind records everything 
and forgets nothing.  Outcomes and output depend on the input.  As the Bible
says, you will reap what you sow.  On this planet the law of cause and effect
still rules the material world.  Choose carefully the seeds [and the thoughts] 
you sow.

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  
challenge is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box.  

"Rider" Q & A continued, 7 through 13


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. 
You have a God-given Right to know. If you could ask God one question, what would that be?  
 Please ask your question or offer your comments  Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness.  
 Mind is your number #1 tool.    Love is the entire tool box.
7-R,  Are you telling me I’m on my own? 
▲  No not at all. You each and all have an unbreakable connection to me 
your source, God, Creator of all things, the unfathomable Trinity, and called 
Father, Higher Self, and many names.   You are a special case my son and 
the evidence of this is right in front of your face on this screen. Because of the 
special times we are living in, a large amount of volunteers came back to
earth to be of service.  You are one of these volunteers. You learned more 
about this in the recent book you read with your book study group titled 
“Going Deeper.”  Many of these volunteers have never reawakened.  You 
are one who is reawakening.

8-R,  Thank you for the information.  I'm feeling I'm still hanging here with the wonder of what to switch to.  I'm feeling uncertain.  I'm unsure as to what I'm supposed to do, be or have, but my own internal pressure is on the doing-action stage.  I feel as if I should be doing something and I'm not sure of what that is.  Over my lifetime, I've been so analytical and conscious mind oriented.  Switch author says this is the Rider.  I have come to realize that I'm playing with a short deck of cards, somewhat, in the game of emotions.  (authors ascribe emotions  and subconscious to the elephant)  But overall, I feel as if I should be more 
worldly successful and I'm not there yet, far from it in my mind.  (which is a rider//conscious mind opinion and I'm aware of this)  And if elephant //subconscious mind controls the power then I'm short of power because I'm short of emotionally full mature stature.  This seems to expllain to  me why I'm short of personal power.  Is this essentially correct?
▲  Yes this is essentially correct.

9-R,  Ouch!  (and You’re confirming what I already figured out.)  Let’s go forward
into more journaling along projected lines and weave in any important new
information as we continue. This is also a good time to segue into my next
question that ties in so naturally.
Q,  What would it take for me to find or reach and sustain clarity about my
purpose?..and about how to go about getting into action and getting things 
done, in the arena of me doing volunteer and mission work. 
▲  Yours is a mixed bag  You ask for clarity which is good, very good in fact 
but you need more than clarity.  You need passion and strong emotional 
commitment to do the work you are meant to do.  As discussed you’re a few 
cards short in the emotional deck of cards.  There are reasons for this condition.  
You have been and are still being “governed.”  You pre-agreed not to have the 
temptation of power.  you had already earned in previous lifetimes.  You did 
not trust yourself to have too much power in this lifetime.  We agreed and made 
an agreement to have it this way.  Likely you will not have great power in this 
lifetime.  This will not and should not interfere with the work you are to do.
▲  Clarity will come for you  at the correct time and correct way. 

10-R,  OK, let me review and ask personal questions again, to get as clear as I
can be on these Matters. Q,  Who am I and what is my identity that I can believe
 and hold onto?  Who am I really?  What am I doing here?  What am I being? 
…or doing?  …Or having? where am I going?   How will I know if I get there? 
▲  This is a lot to cover in one question but here goes.  A, your identity is
mixed up in you, because of your extra dimension of being a returnee-
volunteer.  Hopefully you’ll ‘get it,’ buy it and hold onto it.  B, You’re here as a 
volunteer.  You’ve been told before you agreed to be a sort of utility-player.  
In other words we can use you in any number of situations.  C, As to what you 
are being, you are being used by us, in ways you do not fully recognize.   
(for example)  What you think and the way you think is valuable in it's own right 
on the inner planes and you cannot see this.  D,  About your doing-ness, you 
are just entering the most important phase of this doing-action stage of your 
work.  E, About where you are going, you are going home soon, after the work 
is done.  F, about knowing when you get there, you will know this internally by 
the positive feelings that will be revealed to you that you will accept and 
grow into.

11-R,  Is there one word that best describes me and my identity?  If so what is it? 
▲  Volunteer

12-R,  If I persevere will I succeed? 
▲  Likely yes.

13-R,  Do I have a fixed or a growth mindset?  (concepts from book Switch)
▲  You have a growth mindset

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that
be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  
Love is the entire tool box

Saturday, September 25, 2010

getting into "Switch" book Q and A on Rider, 1 thru 6


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. You have a
God-given Right to know. If you could ask God one question, what would that be?  Please ask 
your question or offer your comments.  Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness.   
Mind is your number #1 tool.     Love is the entire tool box.

I’m starting with a book I have just read, called “Switch,” authored by Chip and Dan Heath. 
I feel this is a great book to help anyone to reconnect to his or her personal purpose and mission in this lifetime.  This information hopefully, should be from ‘Good to Great’ 
(another book title, I read and liked) …if you want to restart, rejuvenate, reinvent, or 
re-modulate your life.  In other words, to help you to switch over to the evolving changes 
that life continually requires of us all.

Here are the questions I came up with, for me, after reading this SWITCH book.  
[*authors main premise is switching comes down to the ‘rider’ (conscious mind) 
the ‘elephant’ (subconscious mind) and the ‘path’.(life’s journey and roadway.)…] 

My questions will follow an approximate sequence of going through RIDER, 
ELEPHANT, then PATH and then to GENERAL questions.  Sometimes however 
as this will be written over many days, I may insert a special question of some
relevance to me personally, as the need shows up. 

(R) signifying Richard (myself) asking a question and a ……
▲ small triangle to represent God’s response.  I use italic typeface to show a 
different look.

                                                 RIDER Q & A
1-R,  Do I need to switch?
▲  Yes.  Life is a continuing process of change and to avoid getting stuck you will 
have to switch from time to time
2-R,  Do I know what type or kind of switch I need or want?  
▲  No you don’t.  You (all) are not supposed to know in advance what life has in 
store for you.

3-R,  Please help me out here.
▲  Yes I will help you out.  You are special to me and I care about you.  I’ll  look 
over with you these following questions and we’ll see what is appropriate to 
reveal to you at this time.  [ you do remember the’ prime directive’ where we are 
careful to not interfere with your own free will choices…]  When you ask certain 
questions this gives us some leeway as to how we can answer you.  This is God, 
Source and creator of all and everything.  I  sometimes use the imperial “WE” 
because I prefer to avoid using the first pronoun ‘I.’

4-R,  How do I prepare my conscious mind (rider) for the switch(es) to come?

▲  First let me say the rider and elephant metaphor is a good one for many 
people.  Imagine the size and scale of one to the other.  This gives some sense
of the difference in these different Mind parts.  More importantly there is more 
of a quality difference.
▲  To your question, preparing your rider (conscious mind) is a life long effort.  
You and all others are trying and working to ascend the ladder or staircase of 
consciousness and in developing greater and greater awareness.  Awareness, 
expanding consciousness and awareness is critical to your success.
▲  Your conscious-mind // rider,  is for administration, planning and decision 
making.  (in short)  The better prepared you are the better you can administer, 
plan and decide.

5-R,  Book talks about patterns.  Is there anything I should know but don’t know 
about my patterns? 
▲  yes.  This could be very long treatise but we know you want short answers. 
Your patterns are not so ‘bad’ and in fact are pretty good for the most part.  You 
could stand for improvements in patterns connected to emotional maturity and 
having more basic and general awareness of emotions, their feelings and the 
options you could then follow.  You do not do well with frustration feelings. Your 
patience vs. impatience, could be better even though it is not so ‘bad.’  You are
trying to improve and this is progressing.  You will be served well, if and when 
you can connect to the feelings of love, more and better.  Coming forward from 
a stance of love and loving-ness is the great, right place for you to be coming 

6-R,  What is my vision or sense of the change(s) I truly would like to Be, or Do,   
and or Have?
▲  You are not clear about the coming changes ahead, for what you are 
supposed to become and or what to do and what to have. You are not supposed 
to know the future as a futurist or crystal ball gazer would know it.   
We suspect you have merged two different questions here.  What are you 
really asking?

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would
that be?     Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number
#1 tool.    Love is the entire tool box.

Orientation material


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. You have a 
God-given Right to know.   If you could ask God one question, what would that be?  Please ask 
your question or offer your comment.   Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness. 
Mind is your number #1 tool.    Love is the entire tool box.

          I will be talking at times to you, the reader and at other times talking to “God” (or my Higher Self, Source, Creator, - Inner Self attributes) in a conversational dialogue.  I have much ‘back’ material, as well as current individual day-journal material. 

I am far along in this process but not nearly far enough.  Also, I like to read books that interests me.  I look for question material from the authors' writing.  This is a good way for me for me to be asking questions that mean something to me.  (and for you, I trust)

U :               Talking plainly to you, (U) - the reader. 
R:                 Richard.  To and for myself, Usually, leading into a question
▲:                   God, Higher Self, Soul, and or Inner-Higher Being attributes.

U:     You and I have rights, Human and Spiritual rights.  One of them is the right to know.  I have found the best correct place to find answers is to go inside of myself, simply, honestly and to ask plainly what it is I want and need to know.  It helps to have both, a respectful and yet commanding intention about the need and the right to know.  

It may or could likely take time, patience and loving practice to develop the overall  brain-mind-soul-spirit communication linkage and results you seek.  Never quit on yourself.  Ask!  Seek!  Knock on doors!  Believe in yourself and your right to know.   God, Inner-Higher Self, at a place, time and form of its' own choosing will give you the answers you seek.  It is law.  You have rights.

When I journal for myself on my computer in "word" I start each session with a prayer and a precaution, which I'll share with you here, below.  In the interest of saving space and time I will show this to you only once.  Unless I feel I should include it more often.

        Questions I would really like to ask,
        Answers I would really like to know.
╬   In the name of Source, Creator of all, Trinity of God, Jesus the Christ, 
            Lord Michael, the Archangel, St.Germain and the Ascended Masters,
            I demand that anything and everything I ask in this journaling format,
            and whatever answers given to me will be for the purpose of getting
            positive pure truth for increasing my knowing conscious awareness, to
            benefit me and all others I come in contact with. ……I have a right to
            know the truth.  I thank you for this priveledge.


Thanks for you interest and time. ... If you could ask God one important question, what would 
that be?  Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   
Love is the entire tool box.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

lead off introduction

                      Hello and welcome to this “Questioning God”  blog.

If you’ve read ‘ABOUT ME’ on the side panel you know some of the basics about me, and what I’m attempting to do.


In the early 80’s I took a journaling class where the instructor challenged us to start a conversation with and within ourselves by using both our dominant hand and our non-dominant hand to go through a question and answer process.

At first my left non-dominant hand could only do chicken scratching but I stayed with it and in time it got better.  What was the more amazing thing is that I could actually get a conversation going and the left/non-dominant responses were unexpected and amazing in how I had somehow reached a different part or place inside of myself.

I was not convinced of anything at first.  I did have curiosity and sticking power.  Over time I was told, by my non-dominant hand I no longer had to use my left hand.  It was said, it would be better and more efficient to use my right dominant hand for both sides of the conversation. I could switch to a pencil to represent me (Richard) and my questions and to use a pen for “their” response. 

To make a long story shorter, I journaled for many years using dedicated wire bound journals.  I still use this process and I was told it could be even more efficient if I switched to a computer.  I could use my initial [ R ] for my lower self connection and use a triangle symbol ▲ to represent my Higher Self connection.

I have been doing this.  At times my ▲ Higher self identifies itself as God.  I have come to believe this is so and the answers to my questions must go through my own “smell” test and believability or gullibility test.  I offer the following material for you to make your own discernment.  Consider the questions asked and their answers.  See and feel if they pass your own credibility test.

Nothing I know consciously about myself qualifies me for what I’m about to do.  Except maybe that inner drive to get clear about these important things and to be a warrior against confusion.     you and I, we have a right to know.

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that be?  Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box.  