Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Rider" Q & A continued, 7 through 13


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. 
You have a God-given Right to know. If you could ask God one question, what would that be?  
 Please ask your question or offer your comments  Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness.  
 Mind is your number #1 tool.    Love is the entire tool box.
7-R,  Are you telling me I’m on my own? 
▲  No not at all. You each and all have an unbreakable connection to me 
your source, God, Creator of all things, the unfathomable Trinity, and called 
Father, Higher Self, and many names.   You are a special case my son and 
the evidence of this is right in front of your face on this screen. Because of the 
special times we are living in, a large amount of volunteers came back to
earth to be of service.  You are one of these volunteers. You learned more 
about this in the recent book you read with your book study group titled 
“Going Deeper.”  Many of these volunteers have never reawakened.  You 
are one who is reawakening.

8-R,  Thank you for the information.  I'm feeling I'm still hanging here with the wonder of what to switch to.  I'm feeling uncertain.  I'm unsure as to what I'm supposed to do, be or have, but my own internal pressure is on the doing-action stage.  I feel as if I should be doing something and I'm not sure of what that is.  Over my lifetime, I've been so analytical and conscious mind oriented.  Switch author says this is the Rider.  I have come to realize that I'm playing with a short deck of cards, somewhat, in the game of emotions.  (authors ascribe emotions  and subconscious to the elephant)  But overall, I feel as if I should be more 
worldly successful and I'm not there yet, far from it in my mind.  (which is a rider//conscious mind opinion and I'm aware of this)  And if elephant //subconscious mind controls the power then I'm short of power because I'm short of emotionally full mature stature.  This seems to expllain to  me why I'm short of personal power.  Is this essentially correct?
▲  Yes this is essentially correct.

9-R,  Ouch!  (and You’re confirming what I already figured out.)  Let’s go forward
into more journaling along projected lines and weave in any important new
information as we continue. This is also a good time to segue into my next
question that ties in so naturally.
Q,  What would it take for me to find or reach and sustain clarity about my
purpose?..and about how to go about getting into action and getting things 
done, in the arena of me doing volunteer and mission work. 
▲  Yours is a mixed bag  You ask for clarity which is good, very good in fact 
but you need more than clarity.  You need passion and strong emotional 
commitment to do the work you are meant to do.  As discussed you’re a few 
cards short in the emotional deck of cards.  There are reasons for this condition.  
You have been and are still being “governed.”  You pre-agreed not to have the 
temptation of power.  you had already earned in previous lifetimes.  You did 
not trust yourself to have too much power in this lifetime.  We agreed and made 
an agreement to have it this way.  Likely you will not have great power in this 
lifetime.  This will not and should not interfere with the work you are to do.
▲  Clarity will come for you  at the correct time and correct way. 

10-R,  OK, let me review and ask personal questions again, to get as clear as I
can be on these Matters. Q,  Who am I and what is my identity that I can believe
 and hold onto?  Who am I really?  What am I doing here?  What am I being? 
…or doing?  …Or having? where am I going?   How will I know if I get there? 
▲  This is a lot to cover in one question but here goes.  A, your identity is
mixed up in you, because of your extra dimension of being a returnee-
volunteer.  Hopefully you’ll ‘get it,’ buy it and hold onto it.  B, You’re here as a 
volunteer.  You’ve been told before you agreed to be a sort of utility-player.  
In other words we can use you in any number of situations.  C, As to what you 
are being, you are being used by us, in ways you do not fully recognize.   
(for example)  What you think and the way you think is valuable in it's own right 
on the inner planes and you cannot see this.  D,  About your doing-ness, you 
are just entering the most important phase of this doing-action stage of your 
work.  E, About where you are going, you are going home soon, after the work 
is done.  F, about knowing when you get there, you will know this internally by 
the positive feelings that will be revealed to you that you will accept and 
grow into.

11-R,  Is there one word that best describes me and my identity?  If so what is it? 
▲  Volunteer

12-R,  If I persevere will I succeed? 
▲  Likely yes.

13-R,  Do I have a fixed or a growth mindset?  (concepts from book Switch)
▲  You have a growth mindset

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that
be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  
Love is the entire tool box

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