Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Continuing with "Elephant" Q & A, 23 thru 33

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

23-R,  “Switch” authors, Chip & Dan Heath says (in the Rider & Elephant 
metaphor) Elephant is equivalent to the subconscious mind, said to hold
the emotions, belief, memory, soul etc.  This is where feelings would
reside and function. Q, I ask how are my feelings and emotions doing?    
Q,   are they growing in ability to be felt by me?
 ▲  Good questions.  Yes here is where you need some work and 
development.   Remember childhood events shaped somewhat in getting 
your feelings buried and stunted.  Think of the saying “Use it or lose it”    
You as a teenager said you did not want to feel your feelings.  You also 
said you only wanted to trust your rational conscious mind.  This you did 
to a large extent. You developed a well functioning conscious mind and 
ignored your feeling-emotional nature, not completely but for the most part 
you did not pay much attention to feelings and emotions.  If compared 
Emotions to Language development you are still in elementary school with 
your emotions.  Your conscious mind is at a Masters Level, (and possibly 
beyond that in some areas.)
▲  Yes you are attending to emotions better and you are improving.  The 
bottom line shortcut is to go to your heart.  Be there and come from there 
as much as you can..

24-R,  How do I improve my feelings with the “Switch” formula of “SEE, 
▲  This is under the Elephant section and as formulas go its good. 
If and when you ‘see’ in a natural undistorted way, ‘feeling’ of some 
kind would emerge.  This is when your whole self is to get engaged 
as to what these feelings are telling you.  Remember feelings are a 
language unto itself.  Ask what these feelings are telling you and then
respect them as a sign and form of internal communication.

25-R,  about my elephant, (s/c mind) how do I keep my elephant 
motivated?  Explain please.
▲  You can keep your elephant (s/c mind) motivated by shoveling and
feeding the correct kind of fuel into the oven of emotion.  (imagine a 
coal-fired steam engine train)  Good pictures, images and thoughts that
are inspirational and motivational are the fuel ingredients you wish to 
send to your elephant//sub-conscious mind. 
▲Please notice it is the conscious mind that is the shoveling and 
feeding factor.  Its’ sadly under-recognized, the one thing all of you do 
have control of is your conscious minds’ selection process.  Yes, it is 
not easy, if not recognized and not developed but this is how the 
combined system does work.  Why is it so easily forgotten that learning
to walk or talk, riding a bicycle or learning how to drive a car all took 
time and effort.  You each and all should get real about work, time and 
effort.  You are here to experience and Learn.  Its’ your choice.  It is 
your responsibility.

26-R,  How do I build up and or initiate positive emotion for my elephant
(s/c/ mind)
▲  This has just been answered.
27-R,  Author says find the feeling.  If true, how do I improve in this area?
▲  This has just been answered.  WE add (partly for you) you need to 
make a choice and decision to improve in this regard.  And, then you 
need to place attention and intention together with a sense of surrender 
to the primacy of feelings and the emotional language it contains.  Get 
yourself out of elementary school, move higher up the educational 

28-R,  How do I get and keep control my good motivational feelings?
Q,  'Switch'  authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; Elephant has to believe that 
it is capable of conquering the change,  is this true?  Explain please.
▲  Yes this is true.
▲  About keeping and controlling those good motivational feelings, 
again you or one must recognize you possess singularity, individuality
and have a willing choice as to what you will think, do think or not think. 
This was not meant to be easy.  But it is relatively simple to understand. 
▲  What you think and do not think (consciously)  sets the feelings (and
subconscious energy) into motion.  The subconscious// elephant does 
the work. 
▲ ‘ Belief’  is a subject unto itself.  Think of beliefs as ‘ long held 
thoughts.’  Think of them as living invisible energy strands that can and 
do come together as a woven mat. (inside of you – of course) For
“things” to come into being they must pass through this woven energy 
mat and thus can become material.  In short, your beliefs do matter.  
 ▲   (pun intended)

29-R,  ‘Switch’ authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; the elephant looks to the 
herd for cues on how to act and behave.  Is this true?  If so I don’t belong 
to any herd. How does this affect my behavior and me?
▲  Yes, this is true for elephants.  Mammals (people) are meant to be
social animals, with mankind being a special breed of animal, having 
self-awareness, free will choice and souls. (etc.)
▲  Each of you has the challenge to understand the co-mingled nature
of dependence, independence and interdependence.  “No man is an 
island.” Socially there are designated and natural leaders and their 
followers, with some people reluctant and some assertive and some 
▲  About leadership and herds, many to most people are enjoined into 
some kind of collective but not all.  Many others go into a single-solo life
style.  Both are OK but big and powerful leaders go into the social and 
collective mode naturally.  They are usually emotionally adept, grounded
and intelligent.  Their sense of reality and experience seems more real 
and they exude confidence. 
▲  What is not known, by collective intention, much of ones’ coming 
lifetime to-be, is scripted and pre-decided before you come into this 
lifetime.  You each are here to learn and experience certain areas and 
to work with objective themes.  Since life and learning is eternal and you
are immortal,  you have the “time and space” to work all of this 
▲  You my son, are both underdeveloped emotionally and socially in 
this lifetime.  We pre-agreed upon this course of action for you.  You are 
working with a handicap in these areas.  Do remember a handicap is 
only that.
▲  Not a small point is the subject of free will.  In fact, you have limited 
free will choice.  You are free to choose from within a set of proscribed 
conditions and circumstances.  If this is difficult to understand spend 
some time thinking about the bigger picture, including immortality and 

30=R,  How do I create a herd or a group, if I’m supposed to do this? 
▲  Do not worry about this.  The intended plan will happen.

31-R,  Using the elephant metaphor, (for s/c mind) how can I become the
bull elephant?
▲  This is not yours to be concerned about.

32-R,  Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath say; to motivate the elephant 
use lots of compliments, rewards and encouragement.  If true, how do I 
do these things to and for myself?
▲  Yes.  Any and all kinds of positivism are good for the elephant.  If 
you want a motivating picture for yourself,  picture the train engineer or
fireman shoveling coal into the tinderbox and boiler compartment.  In 
other words, keep feeding the good stuff into yourself and your elephant
-subconscious will appreciate that and will perform in a positive way.   
Just having the awareness of being good to your subconscious-
elephant is remarkable and under recognized by most people.

33-R,  T/F Authors say, give the elephant the “Why.” if so explain how this
▲  True, for the most part.  The question “why” is aimed at getting to the
central basic reason for something.  Meaning is there for the whole 
being to understand and to rally behind.  Work, and effort (which is done
by the elephant//subconscious mind) must have sense, meaning  and 
reason behind it for it to be carried out by the subconscious mind,
for the benefit of the whole total being.

Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Your 1st  challenge
is in conscious awareness   Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

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