Saturday, September 25, 2010

getting into "Switch" book Q and A on Rider, 1 thru 6


Welcome to “Questioning God Blog.”   Thanks for you interest and time. Ask your questions. You have a
God-given Right to know. If you could ask God one question, what would that be?  Please ask 
your question or offer your comments.  Your 1st  challenge is in conscious awareness.   
Mind is your number #1 tool.     Love is the entire tool box.

I’m starting with a book I have just read, called “Switch,” authored by Chip and Dan Heath. 
I feel this is a great book to help anyone to reconnect to his or her personal purpose and mission in this lifetime.  This information hopefully, should be from ‘Good to Great’ 
(another book title, I read and liked) …if you want to restart, rejuvenate, reinvent, or 
re-modulate your life.  In other words, to help you to switch over to the evolving changes 
that life continually requires of us all.

Here are the questions I came up with, for me, after reading this SWITCH book.  
[*authors main premise is switching comes down to the ‘rider’ (conscious mind) 
the ‘elephant’ (subconscious mind) and the ‘path’.(life’s journey and roadway.)…] 

My questions will follow an approximate sequence of going through RIDER, 
ELEPHANT, then PATH and then to GENERAL questions.  Sometimes however 
as this will be written over many days, I may insert a special question of some
relevance to me personally, as the need shows up. 

(R) signifying Richard (myself) asking a question and a ……
▲ small triangle to represent God’s response.  I use italic typeface to show a 
different look.

                                                 RIDER Q & A
1-R,  Do I need to switch?
▲  Yes.  Life is a continuing process of change and to avoid getting stuck you will 
have to switch from time to time
2-R,  Do I know what type or kind of switch I need or want?  
▲  No you don’t.  You (all) are not supposed to know in advance what life has in 
store for you.

3-R,  Please help me out here.
▲  Yes I will help you out.  You are special to me and I care about you.  I’ll  look 
over with you these following questions and we’ll see what is appropriate to 
reveal to you at this time.  [ you do remember the’ prime directive’ where we are 
careful to not interfere with your own free will choices…]  When you ask certain 
questions this gives us some leeway as to how we can answer you.  This is God, 
Source and creator of all and everything.  I  sometimes use the imperial “WE” 
because I prefer to avoid using the first pronoun ‘I.’

4-R,  How do I prepare my conscious mind (rider) for the switch(es) to come?

▲  First let me say the rider and elephant metaphor is a good one for many 
people.  Imagine the size and scale of one to the other.  This gives some sense
of the difference in these different Mind parts.  More importantly there is more 
of a quality difference.
▲  To your question, preparing your rider (conscious mind) is a life long effort.  
You and all others are trying and working to ascend the ladder or staircase of 
consciousness and in developing greater and greater awareness.  Awareness, 
expanding consciousness and awareness is critical to your success.
▲  Your conscious-mind // rider,  is for administration, planning and decision 
making.  (in short)  The better prepared you are the better you can administer, 
plan and decide.

5-R,  Book talks about patterns.  Is there anything I should know but don’t know 
about my patterns? 
▲  yes.  This could be very long treatise but we know you want short answers. 
Your patterns are not so ‘bad’ and in fact are pretty good for the most part.  You 
could stand for improvements in patterns connected to emotional maturity and 
having more basic and general awareness of emotions, their feelings and the 
options you could then follow.  You do not do well with frustration feelings. Your 
patience vs. impatience, could be better even though it is not so ‘bad.’  You are
trying to improve and this is progressing.  You will be served well, if and when 
you can connect to the feelings of love, more and better.  Coming forward from 
a stance of love and loving-ness is the great, right place for you to be coming 

6-R,  What is my vision or sense of the change(s) I truly would like to Be, or Do,   
and or Have?
▲  You are not clear about the coming changes ahead, for what you are 
supposed to become and or what to do and what to have. You are not supposed 
to know the future as a futurist or crystal ball gazer would know it.   
We suspect you have merged two different questions here.  What are you 
really asking?

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would
that be?     Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number
#1 tool.    Love is the entire tool box.

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