Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be? Please comment and offer your question. Remember, Your 1st challenge
is in conscious awareness Mind is your number #1 tool. Love is the entire tool box.
§"Switch" authors, Chip & Dan Heath says; Elephant needs a good path to travel on.
34-R, Which path am I on?
▲ You are on a good path, in fact your right path.
35-R, Do I know if I’m on my right path?
▲ In your inner self you know you are on the path, but at times you
forget it.
forget it.
36-R, Will you give me suggestions on how I can shape this path?
▲ You have been told to get closer to your heart feelings. Live there,
think with your heart and love, with your heart. Your sacred heart is
close to but is different than your physical heart. For all intent and
purpose there are practically in the same place. (one is physical the other
is nonphysical [or metaphysical]) You can imagine them as one. Do
imagine going to and coming from this Sacred Heart. Practice. Practice.
And practice some more. God is love. Everything comes from and goes
back to love. Love is where it is at.
think with your heart and love, with your heart. Your sacred heart is
close to but is different than your physical heart. For all intent and
purpose there are practically in the same place. (one is physical the other
is nonphysical [or metaphysical]) You can imagine them as one. Do
imagine going to and coming from this Sacred Heart. Practice. Practice.
And practice some more. God is love. Everything comes from and goes
back to love. Love is where it is at.
37- R, Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath says to “Shape the path” and “Build
habits.” Q, Do I know by now what my path is? 37b-Q, Which habits should
I focus on?
I focus on?
▲ You have been told you are on the right path and if you cannot see it
physically, you are to remember to reconnect to this message and know the
path is not physical rather it is Spiritual and Metaphysical- (non-physical)
▲ You have been told to get heart centered and heart focused. Be with
▲ You have been told to get heart centered and heart focused. Be with
Love, be in love and work for love. These habits would be best for you.
38- R, Switch authors, Chip & Dan Heath says: “Shrink the change.”
Is this the same as creating sub-goals and stepping-stones? Explain if different.
▲ Pretty much yes. (as the saying goes) Breaking it down to bite size
allows one to eat the whole elephant. Stepping-stones allow one to cross a
wide rushing stream and stay dry. Sub-goals allow the conscious mind to
not get bogged down if the main goal looks or seems too big. The tactic
and strategy is to get the conscious mind to be more compliant.
39-R, Which behavioral goal or goals should I be going after?
▲ This was just answered above. You have been told to get heart
centered and heart focused. Be with Love, be in love and work for love.
▲ You were also told to be and become sensitive to your feelings and
emotions. You were told before that “E-Motions” are the energies ('E')
within that cause you to move into motion.
40-R, What is the best first step for me to take?
▲ We remind you of the saying “keep on keeping on” Continue as you are
and continue what you are doing for us. Remember to practice the
emotional sensitivity training effort.
41-R, How am I doing now? (On a scale of 10)
▲ WE beg off answering this question. It could lead too easily into some
kind of EGO and vanity building thing.
42-R, How do you want me to be?
▲ Continue doing what you are doing and remember the advice we have
given thee.
43-R, what kind of situation am I in right now.
▲ A good situation. Do not overly concern yourself with off-days and the
normal ups and downs.
44-R, How does my identity or lack thereof, affect my change issues?
▲ We have addressed this question before. Do not sweat this 'outer'
identity issue thing. Your true inner identity is forever that as a child
of God.
identity issue thing. Your true inner identity is forever that as a child
of God.
45-R, What is it about failure that hurts so much?
▲ Good question. The bottom line answer is the EGO does not under-
stand its falsity or its false fantasy construction of itself as the main guy,
the main man, or main lady. When the real reality happens to unfold in
ways not wanted by Ego it gets hurt and feels badly. EGO wants control
and the sad thing for Ego is it has no control of Reality. Sometimes for
some while the Ego can seem to be in command and controlling things but
it is like a house of cards that will blow away with a good wind.
▲ When your whole-total self is in command, failure is seen as just another
learning lesson. Life is all about learning lessons. Learn this a soon as you
can. It will save you hurt and pain.
Welcome and Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question,
what would that be? Please comment and offer your question. Remember, Your 1st challenge
is in conscious awareness Mind is your number #1 tool. Love is the entire tool box.
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