Friday, December 31, 2010

The One Command "UVWXYZ" 345 to 359- the end


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



345,  Unwinding negative beliefs or ideas of limitation
and rewinding new prosperous  ones into your DNA
including your mind and emotions is the key to your
success, financial and otherwise.
p  Yes.  The challenge is to dig it out of your subconscious

346,  T/F  our unconscious thought, operating below the
conscious level holds great  power over our lives.  They fire
peptide messengers that unconsciously drive choices   (If
true, does this not spoil in some way or break or ruin the
concept of free will choice? Explain)
p  Yes unconscious thought does hold great power.  Yes
they do fire peptides which influence what you decide and do. 
But this can be over-ridden with clear conscious
determination.  As said before, have good goals and pre-
decide what you will and will not allow yourself to do.  This
takes clarity, strong decision and commitment to your

347,  What is the relevant distinction  in the terms
unconscious mind vs. subconscious  Mind?
p  For all intents and purposes they are basically the same
and interchangeable.

348,  T/F  (author said) Unconscious choices carry the
same weight as conscious ones.  Please explain this.
p  This is interesting because choice whether conscious or
(by default) unconscious, steers how one moves and heads.
You usually wind up at the place you headed toward.

349,  Do I understand how imagination works ?  please
explain simply or basically how this works
p  Not really.  No one alive really knows all that is involved in
how the imagination process works.  It is complex and there
is much you and people do not know about the ‘how’ and ‘why’
this works the way it does.  It is a wonder and a miracle. 
Imagine with emotion. This is how you create.

350,  About understanding itself, how important is it to
understand?  Explain so I “get it.”
p  It is critically important.  Understanding helps you in the
making of choices and giving you some measure of
confidence in going forward to achieve your dreams.

351,  Why do I feel so uncertain at times?  Both, In
general, and specifically about desire.
p  This has already been covered.  You agreed to be shorted
in the emotional department.  You are not working with a full
compliment or a “full deck.”  You are not defective.  You are
just short some of the horsepower that most all others have
to drive their vehicles or accomplish things.


352,  T/F  Energetically I can create a vacuum ,… by
being , thinking and feeling.
        p  No this is not so.  One’s inattention or indifference may
            seem to create a vacuum but this is only a consciousness
            factor.  The rest of you / or a person is still working the way
            it really works. 

353,  Do I know the value of my work?
            p  No, not really.  Again its’ because of your shortage of a
             specialized emotional incapacity

        W X Y Z

354,  Is it permissible for me to be or become wealthy? 
 If yes, how can I do this?  If not please explain why not?
p  It is not likely in this lifetime you will be rich and wealthy. 
Unless there is a basic change at “higher levels”  your pre-
agreement makes this unlikely.

355,  Is there more to will, other than intention, selection.
Choice, and decision ?  if so, explain .
p  You have covered the basics of will but remember that
without emotional power, will does not go far.

356,  Do I understand yet the difference between” my will
(Richard’s) and God’s will?
p  This is not always easy to understand because of the
different positions of the human, the soul and the spirit world. 
Ones’ stance and position or attitude of looking will make a

357,  T/F  the author says; the law of free will choice
allows only that which you state and believe unconsciously
and consciously, as your truth to be manifested, back to
you, in your life experience.
p  Wow.  This is a difficult sentence construction. If both
your conscious and subconscious are “single-minded” you will
accomplish and manifest what is being chosen.

358,  Can I get a degree (or dramatic confidence) in
wealth acquisition?
p  You do not need this.  Your country’s economy is
basically ruined because of the greed for wealth acquisition. 
Capitalism is based upon a bedrock of competition which is
really about getting more and more money and more power. 
(in economic terms)  This power has not been used correctly.
look at the mess you now have.  Millions are hurting and its’
all because of greed for money and wealth

359,  Is there a good answer for me when I ask what does
it feel like to be rich,  prosperous and unconcerned about
money and wealth
p  See the above answers.   Keep on as your are keeping on. 
If there is a change we will let you know.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


The One Command "T" 341 to 344


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



341,  T/F,  I do have to transform my body, mind and
cellular DNA in order to achieve real success in the
important areas of life.
 p  Basically yes, in a normal lifetime process cycle.  This
cycle is not a normal one and exceptions will be made. 
There will be individual assessments and individual
determinations made.


342,  T/F, I must consciously travel to source mind to
manifest what I desire.
p   Metaphorically yes.  You go into your mind and do your
mental-emotional work.  Source mind is called into play and
has a vote as does soul, on the yea or nay of any given

343,  T/F  Strong themes of my life seem to include travel,
moving, learning and playing,.  If  there are others
please remind me.
p   Spiritual closeness to God and your development to
make this more conscious and also to deal with a
reduced amount of emotional power andeffectiveness.


344,  About trust,  Do I really trust God? 
p   Depends on the degree of trust and the time period in
question.  Yes, You do basically trust God somewhat, but
you are not at the 100% level of trust yet.  Martyrs willing to
die for God had that kind of trust and belief.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The One Command, "T" 331 to 340


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



331,  What determines which thought or series of
thoughts, makes it to our focus?
p *Good question.  This is normally determined by and
originates at your soul level, with some minor exceptions. 

332,  T/F  thoughts have an electromagnetic energy.  If
true, does all of my thinking register and interact within
all of me, both above and below my conscious level
Please explain
Yes,  covered before.  There is a permanent record of
all of your thinking, some is recorded in yourself in your DNA
and there is a permanent record in the "Akasha"

333,  What is same or different, comparing thoughts to
ideas?  What is or are the relevant distinctions between
thoughts, ideas or beliefs?
Ideas are more graphic or pictorial and you sort of get it
or see it all at once.  Thoughts can be more linear and
sequential.  Some thoughts are like language talking to you. 
Beliefs are those thoughts that you hold onto because they
have some kind of resonance or power in and or over you. 
Beliefs with their sticking power can and often do last over
many lifetimes.


334,  Can you and will you tell me how much time it takes,
if any, to re-program my subconscious mind?
This is an individual matter for each individual person.
Each person usually lives many many lifetimes.  The
corrections that are necessary take much "time" to
experientially correct what needs to be corrected.  You are
an old soul and have been at this for a very long time.  You
have made some improvements and you still have work to do. 

335,  About Time,  if I spend more time in "theta" state will
I increase in my power?  How does time in theta work out?
 Spending time in theta does help your purification
process because its' time well spent with the source mind of
God.  Knowing this is good and being in action doing it is better.
 Today you were thinking how "Power" like a table, has 4
legs.  The first leg is "LOVE, another is MUSCLE (physical
strength or might)  another is MONEY and the last is MIND. 
With a good well developed amount of any one of these four
aspects, you will have confidence and power.
336,  What prevents ordinary people, myself included,
from being more aware of the importance of time in
general and being in time, awake and aware specificially?
It takes a level of conscious mind development to
become more aware and awake to the greater Spiritual and
metaphysical God reality.  It takes desire and an attitude shift.
And it takes decision.

337,  How much time do we have before the “change” 
Good try.  We cannot tell you specificially.  And the
hint is out there.  It will be soon.  It should happen and we
expect it will happen in your lifetime.   God the "Big Guy" is
the only one who truly knows when this will happen

Train / training

338,  About my childhood training, was it preplanned
and scripted or not?
p   This has already been answered.  Yes.

339,  T/F  Author says, the reason we do have the “reality
we have is that we have been trained to have that reality.
Yes.  you have been trained and conditioned.  Each
person takes a natural and ordinary approach to what seems
real to them given their circumstances.  It is like playing the
cards you were dealt.  But your will can make new choices and
different decisions.  (usually according to your conscious
mental development

340,  What personal examples or training can you give
or show to me about imagining with emotion.
p   *falling in love brings you to imagination with strong
emotion, is one good example.  For you, choosing your
first and second car are also good examples.  (the
training aspect was subtle but it was there.)  Your
belonging to the book club has been a training


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Monday, December 20, 2010

The One Command "T" 324 to 330


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Thinking & Negative ‘stinking’ thinking

324,  T/F  Author states; we can know the quality of our
thinking by the results we achieve.
 Yes.  This is essentially correct.  But to be fully clear
you want to include quantity also.  It is both quality, quantity
(and intensity of intention) of thought

325,  T/F  Author says:  your old way of thinking simply
dissolves through lack of use.  If so, is author talking just
about conscious mind or about the whole mind? (with
soul and spirit included?)  explain.
 p It is the conscious mind that can allow non-use of
thoughts & thinking to erode and disappear over time but the
subconscious and whole mind does not forget anything.  It
takes awareness, responsibility and forgiveness to rectify the
bigger picture.

326,  How is my thinking doing?  Do I have any or much
stinking negative thinking?
We have answered this before.  Yes and it will take
awareness and responsibility to forgive yourself and all
concerned to correct this.  Stop judging and forgive all.

327,  Do I need to improve my thinking?  If so, how do I
improve my thinking?
p You have improved some and you could improve more.
Watch the gateway - entrance of your mind and catch what is
coming out at the entrance - gateway of your conscious mind.
This takes vigilance.

328,  Do I know how to shave off, to rid, or eliminate my
negative thinking?
In some ways yes but not fully.  As just mentioned,
watch your thoughts and catch it at the beginning outset.  Be
proactive and have a "good" program of thinking.  Have your
own approved areas of good thinking and the negative areas
to avoid.

329,  About control of thinking, how well do I control my
So-so.  You could do much better by having
"approved" thought areas and "disapproved" thought areas
Make some conscious decisions about what is OK to
think about.

330,  If I have fear-based thinking How much do I still
have?  And, How do I rid myself of this fear and fear
based thinking?
p   What you now know is Love is the only true emotion
and course of thought that will always be fault-free. 
Convert fear based thoughts to loving thoughts.  This
will not be easy but is achievable


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.