Friday, December 3, 2010

The One Command "S" 261 to 268


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



261,  Am I single-minded yet?    If so, why am I not more
successful?  And if not why not
p  Occasionally you are single-minded but for the most part
you are not there yet.  You accepted a covenant / agreement
that has a greater level of challenge than most “ordinary”
people.  You agreed to a diminution or restriction of your
emotional ability.  To be single-minded you really need the
rational intellectual part of your mind to be working in unison
with the emotional-energy parts of yourself.  This is what the
single-mind is.  It is the combination of the conscious and the
subconscious whole mind aspects. You will need to work with
regularity on the one command process to get to this
connectionInterference from your ‘ego’ mind will be there to
get in your way.  You will need resolve and discipline to make
it a habit.


262,  Do I have sufficient and necessary skills to achieve
p   Yes.  Lacking Skill is not your problem.  See answer
above.  Practice to become single-minded in a positive

263,  Remind me, what is the purpose of a soul needing
and or wanting experience?
p   As you have been reading and studying, “Soul” is the
entirety of who you are.  This includes the metaphysical-
spiritual aspects as well as the human-physical aspects
of you, in this human lifetime.  You have a spiritual  
pre-existence with a history.  This is "Soul."  You in this
human material dimension is another part of you, also
soul, or ensouled in this human incarnation form.  The
whole of you is soul on this journey through various
dimensions of living life, garnering experience which
brings learning or remembering to you in your human
part.  In Spirit you are perfect.  Being alive in a human
body adds complexity and challenge to which you are
coping and growing into a higher level of perfection. 
The earthly-worldly experiential energies are being
incorporated into the total you.  These human
experiences are for the teaching and learning of what is
loving and right.  You are here to learn how to love more
and  better.

264,  What does soul want to learn? Is it about learning
something- somehow for the bigger picture, 
p   As just answered, Soul wants you to learn how to love
more and better.  You need a place and a venue to do
this.  This is why you are here.

265,  Is it my soul that wants the experience of living
a bodily physical life?
p   Yes.  God set it up this way.  Soul wants and needs
this experiencing ground.  Your body is made up of
many different energies and these energies need to be
rectified or purified so as to be whole, loving and correct.

266,  What role and capacity does my soul have and
play in this lifetime?
p   Soul (from and earthly-human perspective)  is
basically an observer or witness.  There is an aspect of
Soul called your higher self, Which in subtle ways does
assist you in your human form.  The Ego – personality
mind part of you will want to work for control, security and
survival.  Ego works at cross purposes and adds to the
difficulties until it awakens enough and is high enough
in conscious awareness that is sees and understands
what the greater game of life is all about.   Raising
yourself in awareness and becoming a more loving
person is what its all about.

267,  About Soul, what role does soul play in God’s plan
p  In a short answer, incomplete as it will be, Soul is in
God’s plan, so each individual Spirit part can evolve
along with the ever expanding nature of God.

 268,  Do I understand soul yet?  Explain
p  Not completely but for starters this will be good enough.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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