Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The One Command "T" 304 to 323


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




304,  Will you teach me how to improve in these areas
(Theta & Source mind)  I need improvement ?  if so what
is my most needed improvement?
p  Yes, this is occurring now,  We along with yourself are
learning and teaching this to you at various levels.  Teach
learning and learn teaching. You are doing this by yourself,
your whole self. Your intention held strongly to this end is a
necessary requirement.

Theta state

305,  When I journal and do Q&A with God, am I in the
Theta brain wave area?  Explain
p  Yes and there is much more to this journaling.  You are in
a special protected state.

306,  T/F  We are born in and with theta state brain wave
activity.  We know source as infants.
p  Yes.  Soul comes to you and with you and is integrated
within your body-mind-nervous system self.

307,  T/F  Theta / Source mind and subconscious
mind are basically the same aspect or state.  If not please
explain the difference.
p  This has been answered before.  Yes they are basically
close, nearly the same but there are differences too.  Source
mind is senior of course.  'Subconscious' is a part of your
whole mind.

308,  T/F  Theta state is synonymous with heart center and
or source mind.
p  Not exactly.  The Sacred Heart part of you is the
preeminent holistic and central part of your Spirit to Soul
identity, with intelligence that rides along with and is attached
to and belongs to and is in your Source mind.

309,  Can I and do I reach deep theta states of mind?
p  Yes.  This is an individual thing.  With practice it is
available to everyone.

310,  If I spend more time in the Theta state/ Source mind 
will this increase my personal power?
p  Yes, of course.

311,  T/F  Author says; you can consciously use source
mind, or theta and manifest  quickly,  even instantly.
p  This could be and would be possible for certain “clear”
individuals.  (Jersus comes to mind) Not everybody can or is
this ready to manifest instantly or quickly.  Sometimes it may
happen quickly but at other times you might not be so “lucky.” 
Intentional consistent practice is what will work dependably
over time.

312,  Am I able to engage theta/ source mind easily?  If
not explain what I need to do.
p  You as an individual have gotten to where you can reach
theta / Source Mind easily.

313,  T/F  I can lower my brain state to theta at will.
p  Yes (for some of the times)  you can lower your brain
state and be at theta brain waves.  You are practicing some
but it could be more regular and more definite and you would
be doing even better.  Sending love energy lazar-like can do
miracles. You had a recent experience that tickled you.

314,  T/F  Author says; thinking in the theta state
changes my DNA.  Explain.
p  True.  Ultimately you are trying to transform and purify
your entire body.  This will be done by the quality and quantity
of your good thoughts and good deeds.

315,  T/F  Masters know how to use the theta state and do
access source mind easily and productively
p  True.  Mastery is a whole different subject.

316,  T/F  Going to theta mind / source mind is same as
using the law of attraction.
p  What you put into source mind will attract according to its’
kind.  Similar to the idea and words;  “Birds of a feather flock

317,  T/F  Going to theta mind / source mind is self-
p  Yes.

318,  T/F  Author says when in theta/ source mind we
de-link from fearful thoughts held in subconscious mind
p  Yes.   This is the best correct way to improve and to
evolve into a better more loving person.  Along with fear,
include ignorance and doubt.  concentrate on de-linking from
these three, and your consciousness will rise and your life will
improve.  To put this in the positive form, focus on love and
becoming more loving.  Love will banish the negative forces.

319,  T/F  every time you concentrate on what you wish to
manifest and then go to theta it must manifest.  Always?
Any exceptions?   Explain please.
p  There are exceptions but yes, normally what you put into
source mind will manifest.  If a person is indecisive and flip-
flops in their mind a lot this will confuse and slow the process
from working directly straight away.

320,  How do I know that I can get easily into theta?  What
would prove it?
p  Your day today results, up to and including right now, show
you the accumulation  of your entire history of thinking.  If you
test for something particular or even dramatic and it occurs
you know you are in theta and source mind.  (at that time) 
(again) Sending love energy,  lazar-like can do miracles. You
had a recent positive experience that tickled you.

321,  When do I know I am in theta?
p  see above answer.  Also, when sensitive you can feel it. 
Get to look for and seek experience to know this feeling.

322,  T’F (Author says) In Theta, I command!  Explain.
p  True.  There is a big difference when you command Vs.
if you just wish and or hope for it,  Commanding implies
definiteness, confidence and knowing.  This is the better and
correct way to go after something.  Be definite, be confident
and know you will achieve you goal (no matter the time it takes)

323,  T/F  by going to theta and source mind, I can retrain
 my self to be rich, successful and happy.
p  Yes, This has already been told to you.  NOTE, Your own
personal decision is a beginning requirement.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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