Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be? Please comment and offer your question.
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool. Love is the entire tool box.
331, What determines which thought or series of
thoughts, makes it to our focus?
p *Good question. This is normally determined by and
originates at your soul level, with some minor exceptions.
332, T/F thoughts have an electromagnetic energy. If
true, does all of my thinking register and interact within
all of me, both above and below my conscious level
Please explain
Please explain
p Yes, covered before. There is a permanent record of
all of your thinking, some is recorded in yourself in your DNA
all of your thinking, some is recorded in yourself in your DNA
and there is a permanent record in the "Akasha"
333, What is same or different, comparing thoughts to
ideas? What is or are the relevant distinctions between
thoughts, ideas or beliefs?
p Ideas are more graphic or pictorial and you sort of get it
or see it all at once. Thoughts can be more linear and
sequential. Some thoughts are like language talking to you.
Beliefs are those thoughts that you hold onto because they
have some kind of resonance or power in and or over you.
Beliefs with their sticking power can and often do last over
many lifetimes.
334, Can you and will you tell me how much time it takes,
if any, to re-program my subconscious mind?
p This is an individual matter for each individual person.
Each person usually lives many many lifetimes. The
corrections that are necessary take much "time" to
experientially correct what needs to be corrected. You are
an old soul and have been at this for a very long time. You
have made some improvements and you still have work to do.
have made some improvements and you still have work to do.
335, About Time, if I spend more time in "theta" state will
I increase in my power? How does time in theta work out?
p Spending time in theta does help your purification
process because its' time well spent with the source mind of
God. Knowing this is good and being in action doing it is better.
p Today you were thinking how "Power" like a table, has 4
legs. The first leg is "LOVE, another is MUSCLE (physical
strength or might) another is MONEY and the last is MIND.
With a good well developed amount of any one of these four
aspects, you will have confidence and power.
legs. The first leg is "LOVE, another is MUSCLE (physical
strength or might) another is MONEY and the last is MIND.
With a good well developed amount of any one of these four
aspects, you will have confidence and power.
336, What prevents ordinary people, myself included,
from being more aware of the importance of time in
general and being in time, awake and aware specificially?
p It takes a level of conscious mind development to
become more aware and awake to the greater Spiritual and
metaphysical God reality. It takes desire and an attitude shift.
And it takes decision.
And it takes decision.
337, How much time do we have before the “change”
p Good try. We cannot tell you specificially. And the
hint is out there. It will be soon. It should happen and we
expect it will happen in your lifetime. God the "Big Guy" is
the only one who truly knows when this will happen
Train / training
338, About my childhood training, was it preplanned
and scripted or not?
p This has already been answered. Yes.
339, T/F Author says, the reason we do have the “reality”
we have is that we have been trained to have that reality.
p Yes. you have been trained and conditioned. Each
person takes a natural and ordinary approach to what seems
real to them given their circumstances. It is like playing the
cards you were dealt. But your will can make new choices and
different decisions. (usually according to your conscious
mental development
cards you were dealt. But your will can make new choices and
different decisions. (usually according to your conscious
mental development
340, What personal examples or training can you give
or show to me about imagining with emotion.
p *falling in love brings you to imagination with strong
emotion, is one good example. For you, choosing your
first and second car are also good examples. (the
training aspect was subtle but it was there.) Your
belonging to the book club has been a training
Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be? Please comment and offer your question.
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool. Love is the entire tool box.
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