Friday, December 10, 2010

The One Command "S" 293 to 299


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



293,  Am I just stuck somewhere somehow.  Please
explain why,  if I’m stuck.
p   You are stuck because you are human and have the
normal amount of human problems.  This has all been
explained to you already.  You pre-agreed to have a
restriction (governor) set in and on your emotional nature,
which disallows your fullest participation in all things
emotional.  You have suppressed emotions but the one
command system will work when you go to work on it and
for it.


294,  Why in my opinion, is my life success so
untenable, distant, uncertain?
p    You have already succeeded at a variety of things
such as, play, travel, learning, being good and close to
your partner,  Marjie and being close to God.  You are
successful in this journaling activity.  You know you are
successful when you have confidence in that particular
area. You are a success driver, for instance.  You are a
successful bicycle rider.  You do not think or worry about
things you are already successful at.  You can just do it
as you choose
p    Yes, there are many things you haven’t succeeded at. 
But it is not possible to be successful at everything in one
lifetime.  Success is some idea or something that you
hold as a paramount goal or ideal, and work toward it and
do not quit at, expecting to achieve it.  It is something that
starts as a mental idea and is not let go of until it is
manifested and becomes physical and actual.  If you
don’t feel successful, you need to get clear about which
area you do not feel confident.  Then you make a decision
and then act (massively) on that decision. 
295,  Can I have financial success, prosperity,
personal power and a debt free status?
p  Yes.  If this is something you truly want, make that
decision and then work toward it.  Using The One Command
process will help speed up the results.  Do remember, that
your "want-to" needs to be a strong desire.  If not, there may
not be enough power to bring it to you

296,  Am I allowed to be successful in this lifetime?”
p  Yes, just answered

297,  Why am I not more successful?  Is there any
reason or explanation that explains why I am not allowed
to be successful?
p  Already answered. Your covenant and your conditioning
in this life time and your experiences have you in the mind-set
that you do have.  The “missing ingredient” is only the thought
that you should have more and should be doing more.  Maybe
you should reexamine that thought. 
p Do not forget the strength of your desire and "want-to" is a
very powerful factor. 

298,  Can I ask for and desire success, prosperity etc,…
and expect to get it.
p  Yes, already asked and answered.

299,  T/F  Successful people are successful because
they have learned how to manage themselves.  In doing
this they have learned and discovered another way to think,
feel and believe.  Explain or elaborate if can add to this.
p  This is true.  Especially,  the self-management part.  When
your DNA, cellular structure and your mental state is clear and
clean, single minded and positive you are already a success.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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