Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Continuing regular journaling session, Wed September 15th, part 2

part 2,

Thanks for you interest and time.  Remember, your whole Mind is your
number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool-box.   If you could ask God one
important question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer
your question.             

R  Thank you God.  I must admit confusion and frustration in that
brief minute like waiting period.  Ultimately, when I made my decision,
 it did not feel as if I made a clear decision.  It felt like some kind of
‘emotional’ default like decision.  I am now happy I am here writing to
you and it obviously does feel right for me to be journaling to and with

R  Still I would like to hear more or know more about the “will“ issue,
of doing God’s will, vs. doing my own will   When I pray the Lord’s
prayer I can easily see, hear and feel an option for wondering if I,
Richard am praying to God or is it God talking to me, richard.   At
times, when I say in prayer “thy kingdom come” I’m not sure if it’s God
 saying your kingdom, (richard) is coming or if I Richard am saying to
God that thy – (God’s) kingdom is coming.  I have this weird feeling of
not knowing if I am speaking as me Richard or if it is my inner higher
self – God talking to me.  I don’t know if this is making sense but it can
 be confusing to me.

I don’t know and would like to understand which is correct.  Am I
supposed to be following my own personal will?  or God’s will?  If it’s
God’s will, then I’m not sure what 'God’s-will' for me is?   And if I’m
supposed to be following my will?  I’m still not sure just exactly what my
 will is supposed to be doing either.  I’m very confused on this point. 
It seems to be more complicated than I seem to be able to unravel. 
I feel much of the time lately; I should be following God and God’s will. 
 However my human side has difficulty holding onto this idea and
feeling it 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, etc. 

I hear or read somewhere, each soul and person has a covenant
with you God.  Some how, in this covenant is God’s plan and probably
 God’s will for me.  I have no idea what is in this covenant, assuming
there is a covenant..  I don’t know if its general and generic stuff or is
it very specific and particular?  

I think it would be very helpful if I knew more about covenants with
God and my covenant with God.   I’d like to know and understand this
 better.  I would like to end this confusion in me.  Over this lifetime I
have learned many times, to be like ‘a warrior against confusion.  I
feel like a warrior now on this point.   I’d like to know what is God’s
will for me and how do I go about being, doing and having this done
for me or by me or through me.
  Well good for you.  You are feeling strongly about this.  Yes, I
have a covenant with you and each person and soul.  They are not
revealed to each person’s consciousness on a silver platter.  This
knowledge comes to you when you have worked for it and have
earned it.  You must be ready for this information.  Rarely or hardly
ever do we give this out before the soul –person is ready for it.  You
are very close and we are considering your case very carefully.  If
you were told information about your covenant it would be for this
lifetime and this dimension.  Yes, there are other dimensions.
  About covenants, there is latitude and flexibility.  It is not a 1+1=2
kind of thing.   It is not go to A and then proceed to B,  sort of thing.  
There are bench-marks and various goals for each soul to attempt to
This is still being general, relative to your specific question.  Be
still and go inside and wait for an answer.

R  It is now 12 o’clock noon.  I was still and quiet for some time (?)
and then I got sleepy in that period.  I fell asleep, for about 2 hours. 
So, what was supposed to happen?
  What happened is good.  It was like a first attempt.  You were
still and mentally quiet for approximately 7 to 8 minute period
before slipping off to sleep.  This is far better than one minute or so. 
  All of about 2 hours has passed which is OK.

R   OK  Should I see this as a kind of test or training?
   Yes, of course.

R   I used words saying “I command you to give me these answers.” 
I have not gotten all of my questions answered.
   Yes.  Good of you to notice and its correct of you to persist.  You
 and others would get answers to your questions if you persisted. 
Amen.  We want to know your determination and will development.

R   What am I to do, is an ongoing big question of mine.  I am
guessing the answer is to do God’s will as in  “thy will be done” as
stated in  the lord’s prayer, given by Jesus to his apostles.   But here
 is the rub, for me, I don’t know or seem to think or feel, I don’t know
what God’s will is for me.
   OK.  God’s will for you in plain and simple English is for you to
love God with your whole heart and to love yourself and to love your
 neighbor as yourself.  You are to follow and obey the ten
commandments as best as you can.  Jesus shortened and
modernized the older and longer ten commandments proscription
into this shorter version of ‘Love God, love yourself and love your
   You recently were reading about the “beatitudes” from Jesus’
sermon on the mount.  Here you also get great advice from this
sermon.  The book “Love never ends” clarifies and modernizes the
 older Aramaic words into a more modern translation.  Lets’ review
 the key points in the book.  Open it up to those pages and keep it
as short as possible.
1,  Blessed are the simple and uncomplicated in spirit
2,  Blessed are they that purge and release what needs to be
3,  Blessed are the moderate….
4,  Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness.
5,  Blessed are the merciful….
6,  Blessed are the pure of heart….
7,  Blessed are the peacemakers ….
8,  Blessed are those who are persecuted or disadvantaged for
righteousness sake.
   So there you go, in simple English.   Here are your reminders
and these are your marching orders.
  And yes, there is more to it.  But as you have already noticed
many to most people do not have the basics down.  These
Commandments, -revisited, and these beatitudes, -revisited are
the basics.  Love God, Love thyself, and love your neighbor.  Love
LOVE-ITSELF because God is love and love is God.
  And as best you can, attempt to be simple and uncomplicated,
be moderate, and balanced, want to be right and good,  be merciful,
 pure of heart, peaceful, peace loving and be accepting of your lot if
 or when you are disadvantaged.  Remember advantages and
disadvantages come to all persons.  Be happy when things are
good and appreciate it and be thankful.  When things turn bad be
understanding and accept it in good spirit.  Life changes.  Life
evolves.  Up and down is really up and down.  It happens to each
and all so don’t get down, or stay down,  if you feel persecuted.  Ask
what is the lesson here?  How can I handle this and come out
stronger and better?

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box

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