Friday, October 29, 2010

The "One Command" B Questions 14 to 27)


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.
14,  T/F  Author says:  a belief is an idea about you, others or
about the world that creates the lens of your focus.  Explain how
this lens affects me and what I  produce or achieve.
pTrue as far as this is loosely stated, and you know this includes
thoughts, ideas and to some extent attitudes, that have been held
usually for a long time.  This could go back over lifetimes.  Some
of the negative beliefs are about separation from God and
acceptance of duality. These belief-ideas-thoughts.  Etc, are like
a lens and color or distort what you see and perceive.  Duality itself
is an illusion and these ‘beliefs’ compound the illusion. 
p  Seeing straight and simple is not easy because of these lens
you look and think through.

15,  T/F  Author says the beliefs that we have accepted became
 our reality.  And these beliefs are found in our subconscious
mind.  They also have been programmed by us, into our DNA  
p  True.  We will be covering this again in more detail.

16,  Will the  “ONE COMMAND” help me?  I don’t know how I
change my childhood memories and painful beliefs about life
based on my childhood.  I only know that I do now and I am
p  Yes this will help you.

17,  About beliefs, are there different states of belief? 
(conscious belief vs. unconscious belief? Or any other state of
p  Very good question.  Yes there are varying states and types
of beliefs and can be located in your body and in all of the brain-
wave parts of your brain-mind.  Also these beliefs can and do
exist in incorporeal parts of yourself and in your mind, not
included in your body.

18,  How well or how poorly are my beliefs serving me? 
What limiting negative beliefs am I still holding onto?   How
much dualistic thinking,feeling and belief do I have?
pYour beliefs as just stated are like a colored lens that
influences and distorts what you see and what you think.  You
have too many belief distortions in these belief areas to spell
them all out here.  Not all of them are negative but none the less
are distortions just the same.
p  You are just weaning yourself off the dualistic illusion and
you are not all the way yet.  This is the best and most important
time for you to get serious about clearing out any and all
negativity in you.

19,  Is there a better way to expedite changing negative
beliefs ?
 p  This ‘one command’ process is one good way to go. 
You do know you must be patient and do the work.  If
anything happens fast accept this as a miracle.  If it does
not work instantly accept this too and keep doing the work. 
Make the papers numbered #1 through #6 and actually do
the work standing up and speaking on the papers.

20,  T/F  when I or you change a belief you change it in all
p  True.  And amazing!

21,  T/F  About Beliefs, old unused beliefs  can dissolve 
p  True but this can take lifetimes if there is no experiential
supported action and mental activity to remedy this area of
belief.  You have heard  ‘Drunkenness’ – for example, may take
a few lifetimes to process through.  This is true and is mentioned
just to give an example of the difficulty in changing a belief
supported behavior.

22,  T/F  there are both cognitive belief aspects and
emotional belief aspects .  explain and help me to
p   Yes.  This was partly answered above.  Belief can be in the
conscious mind/ brain parts and will be in the subconscious
and unconscious brain-mind areas.  Some of this will be
cognitive and part will be emotional energy. These brain-mind
parts do carry an energy signature.  Actually all parts of you
carry an energy signature. The net affect of these energies can
 be discerned by those who can see and read aura fields.

23,  What are my conscious and unconscious (sub-
conscious) beliefs about money?   ( and Prosperity? 
and Abundance? 
p  You have lots of beliefs, conscious and unconscious, about
money.  The net affect and effect is this,  you are afraid of
having too much money. You worry (or are concerned) you
could easily get and be spoiled and get into mischief.  Your
divorce also layered negative information onto the already poor
and poverty thinking you picked up as a child and catholic
school pupil from parents and church officials.  Their
propaganda was subtle but it was there for you to see and
experience.  There is no “fault” here.  Everyone is conditioned
and patterned in their childhood.  To change your beliefs about
money you will need to do some mental and emotional work in
these areas

24,  T/F  per the “One Command’ book, it sounds like there
is a contest between our beliefs and our desires.  If so
p  This is an interesting way to put it.  Yes sometimes there is
a contest between a persons’ beliefs and desires.  However, not
always. There are times these can be in ‘sync’.  Think this
through and do not be automatic in this regard.

25,  I was born to parents who lived through the Great
Depression.  Does this fact influence me and my beliefs,
thoughts and feelings? 
p  Yes, of course.  We just talked about some of this a couple
of questions ago, plus some material was given to you about
ancestors (and parents) as well.  Their DNA and their
circumstances affected their beliefs and these beliefs are easily
passed onto their children.  Your poverty thinking was in a large
part picked up from their ideas and attitudes connected to both
 their past and the Great Depression.

26,  T/F  Unwinding negative beliefs and ideas of limitation
and rewinding new prosperous ones into your body DNA
and your mind and emotions is the ultimate key to your
success, financial and otherwise.
p  True.  The unwinding and rewinding of DNA is at this
time slightly advanced thinking.  It is true and yet, will need
more time, “ink,”  “air,” and educational exposure before it
gets into the common knowledge of the general public. 
When you do a ‘clearing-out’ of negative beliefs mentally 
there is a corresponding ‘cleaning-out’ (rewinding)  of
bodily DNA.

27,  T/F  author says one command will do this.  Right?
p  True.  And this will take time, effort and practice for 99%
of all people who want to be able to do this.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box


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