Saturday, October 30, 2010

One Command, "C" questions 41 to 46

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


41,  T/F  I can change the cells of my body to become
addicted to prosperity and success.  Can you and will you tell
me what my cells are programmed for now?
p    Yes cells can change and yes you can do the designing
and architect work to do this.  It takes dedication and a serious
work ethic.  This book, One command tells you how to do it.

Choice / choose

42,  T/F  Author says there is a separation between our
unconscious /subconscious  thoughts driving our choices vs.
 our conscious thoughts or our desires.  Explain
p    Yes there is an obvious separation between conscious
and subconscious or    unconscious mind parts.  And Yes,
there is unconscious “mental stuff” working in those areas
which does tend to get you to act in certain ways.  However,
with personal sensitivity to those inner feelings, you now can
 make it a conscious thing.  You can act consciously to
override any inner feelings or ‘drives’ with the proper self
awareness training.  The name of the game is to be aware
and vigilant
43,  Q,  Is “let go and let God,” always the right thing for a
person to do or are there times the person is meant to
choose, decide and act on their own?
p    This is an excellent saying or motto.  It would be always
correct to be aware of what your God-part (conscience) inside
of you is wanting and telling you.  However, this is not always
possible for too many people.  It may be undeveloped or
underdeveloped. The next best thing would be to be as
aware of the whole situation and then to make your own best
 personal decision.  The non-believers, atheist and agnostics
 have (pretty much) foreclosed on the first option and are
working under that handicap.  Belief in God, helps and its’
important to remember that individual people are working in
consciousness from their own platform levels of
consciousness and awareness.

44,  Q,  how do I choose my own new programs or strategies
for health, wealth and happiness?
p     Of the various methods available, this One Command
process (in 6 simple steps) is as good or better than most of
them.  Remember any method is only as good as the effort
that is put into it.


45    T/F  Author says; However, you can command that
understanding.  You can state  I don’t know how  My health,
wealth, and happiness is properly taken care of or my vision
for my life is made clear to me.  I only know that it is now. And
I am fulfilled
p     True.  This has already been answered.


46,  Q,  If I lack confidence what can I do about it?
p    You can focus on a particular area where you want
confidence.  With intention and focus you would act for the
goal you have chosen.  Act as intelligently and as forcefully
as you can.  Feel yourself doing it and achieving it.  With
strong feeling, focus and intelligent action you will progress
and with determination you will achieve your goal.  There are
two essential ways to fail and not achieve your goals.  One is
to never set a real goal and the second is to quit on yourself
and your goal.  Set goals and never quit!  …Set goals and
never quit! …Set goals and never quit!  …Set goals and
never quit!


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

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