Monday, October 11, 2010

A daily journaling, ..Written Sept. 9th, 2010, Posted 10-11-2010

 Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that be?  Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

U,  I’ve been working to learn how to build and manage this blog site.  It takes
time.  There is much to learn if you or one wants the blog to be read by lots and
lots of people.  I still have not conquered search engines & SEO stuff,  meta-tags
and ad words.  (Or whatever else I need to know about blog promotion and
distribution. …And I’m trying)

R-  Good morning God and all of God's permutations, Archangels, Saints,
ascended Masters and all who work for God and goodness, in the light.  Only
give me one truth, the highest truth that will be beneficial for all and me.  I
command you to give me specific information that is usable and actionable by
me, practicable for light workers to use.  I would like to ask these questions
and get answers today.  Is this OK?
  Yes of course,

R  T/F  I am a light worker

R  T/F  I am a returnee/volunteer.

R T/F   I'm struggling to get my self right and able to function properly

R  What is God’s will for me, to be, to do, and to have?
  God wants you to love and be loving.  You all, are in this process, of how
to love and love better.  It helps if you know what love is, who commands
and controls love, where love comes from and can be found, when love is
available to you and why love is the power it is.
  You are to Be love, Do love and Have love

R  Thank you for this surprising answer.  It seems and feels right.  It also sounds
like a major seminar, covering the 5W’s and H.  (who, what, when, where, why
and how.)
R  At shallow and low levels, I understand this but not well enough yet to
teach –learn it for my self and others.  Do you want me to teach-learn or
learn-teach it?

R   OK. Just how do I get more knowledgeable about these aspects of love? 
Teach me father.  I am your student.
  you do not need to reinvent the wheel.  “G.G.”  (Glenda Green) is laying
it out pretty good in the book, “Love Without End.”  Continue to read, underline
and make notes at the parts you feel you need clarification or amplification. 
Do your own Q&A with me, for yourself, to learn and reach clarity about it.
(and subsequently your blog readers.) Then practice and practice some more.

  About WHY LOVE,   God is Love and Love is God.  God works in, through,
 by, and with love.  You are to emulate God and what is good. God is good too. 
Goodness is of God.  This is Love and loving, that’s why.  The answer to why?,
is ‘because.  Because God is Love and you are to be and become as God,
like God, for God, through God.   NOTE:  God as love can do for you what God
and love can do through you.  The ball is in your court – so to speak.

  About WHAT TO LOVE,   The subject and object both are love.  Love is
big, it’s high, and it’s great.  Love is far more than sentiment or affection or an
emotional high with good feelings.  These emotional highs and good feelings
are derivative and less than the whole.  Many people are familiar with
electrical “step-down transformers”  For electricity to work in homes, factories
and other places, one cannot use the fullest power of electricity as it is
generated at its source. (For instance, let’s say a dam)  The power of Love is
greater than the greatest electrical power on earth.  Love is the greatest of all
powers.  In essence, all physical powers are derivative of God powers, which is
love.  The order in and of the universe is stable and consistent because of
God’s loving distributaries of these greater powers which all stem from God as
love or Love as God.

  About WHO TO LOVE, there is God and then there is you.  All persons
are individual gifts from God. You each have a singular individual nature and
you have been given free will choice (with some limitations, when you think
about it) …so you may or can decide which path to follow and which
experiences you wish to participate in and partake of. 

You can imagine you are in a simulation game.  You are here to simulate
what you would be, do and have, if you had the creative powers of a god. 
You are in fact, godlings, Gods in the making.  You will win the game of living
-life simulations eventually, using God’s creative power for creating life as you
can see it, imagine it, and make it become that image or vision you hold.  You
have time and space to play in and with. 

You in this dimension of psuedo-reality have to deal with your tripartite being-
 ness.  (1) You have a physical body, (2) you have a two-part mind and
(3) you have (or really you are) a spirit.  In addition, you have 5 -five basic
natures, to incorporate and deal with.  (A) As Spirit, you have a Spiritual
nature.  (B)  You have a conscious cognitive mental nature.  (C)  You have
an emotional subconscious-unconscious or not conscious nature [ where your
 true power reposes ]. (D) You have an individual, physical, material, bodily
personal nature.  (E) You have an interdependent social-family-group nature. 

There are important ramifications in and for each of these five natures.  Each
 person wants the benefits of being balanced and connected to these natures. 
Each person, whether consciously aware or not wants these 5 five beneficial
aspects; (A) Love, from the Spiritual nature, (B) Peace of mind from the
Mental cognitive-intellectual nature, (C) Happiness from the Emotional
subconscious nature, (D) Healthy functionality from the Personal bodily
nature, (E) and, satisfaction that comes from and with social involvement
and contribution, which connects to your Social-filial nature.

  About WHEN & WHERE,  Many of you have heard the mantra, or wise
saying of “Be here now.”  This is correct and needs to be taken seriously. 
'Now' is the only aspect of time that allows direct action.  The past has passed
and recall of the past has limited ability to help you and has just as much
potential to get in your way of learning a better way of behavior.  The correct
answer to the question of when is now!  The correct answer to the question of
where is Here!  wherever you happen to be.  It is very correct to Be Here Now. 
Practice your awareness of Being here now and include being heart centered,
aware and connected.  BE HERE NOW and BE HEART CONNECTED.

   About HOW.  This is where the rubber meets the road.  How do you love?
How do you live a loving life?  What is the loving way?  Who all do you love? 
Etc, etc,…The answer to how do you love, how do you connect to love, how you
 can be love and become more loving and to have more love are the important
 questions for each and every person to ask, understand and to get your own
personal answers.  'How' questions are about functionality, process and having
the ability to do something that is wanted or needed done.

  Understanding how to be love and loving asks you to know and
understand what love is and why is to be utilized.  The 3-three part creation
formula goes from the “Being” stage into the actionable “Doing” stage and
with and when appreciated and ready the “Having” of it stage arrives.

  How to have love is a natural result and bye-product of being loving and
doing loving behaviors.  This 3-stage process works with all aspects of the 5
W’s & H.   For who to love, be loving to yourself and to your family and
friends.  Jesus said to be loving to all.  He said; the Ten  Commandments can
be reduced to:  Love God, with all of your heart and might, and to love your
neighbor as you love yourself.  So, it really comes down to the basics. Love
God, Love yourself and love your neighbor.  These words and concepts are
not rocket science.  These ideas are simple.  Simple is not to be confused
with easy.  So, go for it and practice these aspects of love.

    remember that life can be compared to a game.  Games have winners
and losers within a specific time frame.  Also remember there are innings,
quarters or periods within these game time-frames.  Living this life is the
greatest game you will ever play.  It is advised that you spend less time as
a spectator.   Spend more time as an active a player, a truly involved
participant.  You may now take a break.  Namaste.

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would
that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1
tool.   Love is the entire tool box

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