Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journal written Wed, Sept 8th, 2010

 Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that be?  Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  Love is the entire tool box. 

R,  Good day God and or God’s agents.  Who is with me today?
■  This is someone you do not know and yet I do know you.  I am like your mystery guest.

R,  Are you in and of the light of God?
■  Not really.

R,  I asked for communication with any of God’s positive beings, agents, angels, ascended masters, saints and or beings of light.  If you are not of this group be gone!
■  OK  I am out of here.

R,  Dear God may I talk to you today?
▲  Yes.  And this is through Whiteheart, Your higher inner self.  A sub personality just tried to come through to you and you were sharp and smart to discern and ask the important question .  please continue.

R,   Thanks for today’s favorable outcome in todays court appearance..  – again, I feel sort of floundering, up and down, with no strong purpose or commitment that says with me.  Why is this so?
▲  You are being tested.  Big Time! There is important work ahead.  Are you ready?  Will you fold?  Or can you withstand some pressure?

R,  I hope I can.  I will give it my best.  I’ll attempt to get heart centered and stay there.  And I’ll need some help.  What is God’s will for me today?  (and tomorrow? And going forward?)
▲  God has big and wonderful plans for us.  Yes, us.  Whiteheart here and Richard there.  These plans will unfold in a natural way. 

R,  Thanks you.  And I need a vision to mentally see and to hold onto.  Please explain briefly or specifically what you can tell me.
▲  You have little to no power at this time for reasons you cannot see or understand at this time.  It’ll become clearer to you as you and we go along our chosen goal path.  Power will come.  And we want your house and office in better order. 
▲  Yes, Karma is involved.  This serves more than one purpose and is tied into the test going on at this time.  You are correct to think into these difficulties as not being random accidents.  Yes, do sub-teach in the school system..  Yes, do sort and organize your papers and office stuff better.  Yes do buy a new or used monitor and get the blog started.  You are so financially upside down because you have paid little to no attention to  money 
and financial matters.  This is being used importantly in the test and pressure 
being put onto you.
▲  You will have money and power later when you are in a better mental, 
emotional and spiritual place.  List your own debts and start making payments 
to them in some fashion.
▲  Start up again and stay with ‘meds.’ and treadmill exercise .  Establish 
priorities.  Do what you can.  Do your best. 
Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important question, what would that be?  
Please comment and offer your question.   Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.  
Love is the entire tool box

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