Monday, November 29, 2010

The One Command "R" 240 to 247


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




240,  T/F  Reality is ours for the making.  Explain if I can
really make my own reality.
p   Basically this is true for the most part.  Its been said, “if
you can believe it and perceive it, you can achieve it.  This is
basically true.  (but, if someone said they believed and imagined
they could fly to the sun, this would not happen.)  This said, If
you can perceive and imagine it and believe in it, you can
work for it, and achieve it, in many to most cases.  If
someone chooses a heart-felt or lofty goal and works like a
busy bee, they work like crazy for it, and do not quit on
themself, they have a good chance to achieve it in this
lifetime.  (and if not, there are other lifetimes to go forward
into) When its fully understood, the journey is more important
than the destination.  Having the destination or end goal,
aids greatly in keeping you on course, keeping on the day to
day, right now journey.

241,  What is my preferred reality?   Shouldn’t I know
this consciously and constantly?
p  You have been told many things before about this.  You
pre-agreed to be a volunteer and would work as a utility
player if,  when and where we needed you.  What you are doing
now is good and we are satisfied about this ‘Questioning God
Blog’. You are benefiting yourself and any person who
decides to read and follow this information.  Do write and daily
read your manifesto project that is about to be written.  You do
have other ideas and it has not been decided what to do about
these other ideas.  If we wish something different we will tell
you about it.  This One Command material and process is
good and you will do yourself a lot of good by doing it regularly.

242,  T/F  Author says the reason we do have the reality
we have, is that we have been trained to have that reality
p  Yes.  This is just about always true for people of ordinary
levels of conscious awareness.  Be aware.  Childhood is the
time a person gets patterned and conditioned and then you
have a lifetime to work through these conditions and patterns.
Ultimately you are trying to become aware that you are not
the  “you” whose name is on the birth certificate papers or a
drivers license.  If you do not yet realize it, you will come to
realize you are a soul who is having a human experience.


243,  Am I in something like a receptacle, ready to
receive my good.   Explain receptacle as it relates to
me in the above concept  (book talks about this)
p    If author meant 'receptacle' was similar or equivalent to
your physical body then this is understandable.  You are a
soul and Spirit, part of God, who has been given the gift of
human life for a human experience.  It is richer and more
rewarding to have experience in a physical body dealing with
a material, physically formed world plus dealing with other
Human-experiencing-souls in bodies, who are also trying to
understand and clarify the experiential purification of energy
in this dimension of this reality.

Receptor sites

244,  T/F   Does my  mind-brain-nervous system, send
emotional thoughts to receptor sites through out every
cell in my body?  Explain.
p  Yes.  Your whole body, in cells, molecules, atoms and
subatomic particles, all are aware and intelligent in and at
ways and levels you do not yet understand.  Your emotional
thoughts register and integrate into all of the the other
memory and recorded energies.


245,  Can you and will you tell me how much time and
effort, it takes to reprogram my subconscious mind?
p  Wow!   This is an ambitious question.  You will not likely
be able to reprogram your “Subconscious mind” (completely)
in this lifetime.  The entire scope of all of your Human-to-Soul 
energies are here to be cleansed, purified and rectified..  You
can make major changes and improvements of these
energies in this lifetime as you raise your conscious
awareness.  Getting and going higher in consciousness and
awareness is automatically a cleansing activity.  To get higher
in consciousness you must drop off or shave off the bottom
hanging negative-energy anchor stuff


246,  What does author mean when she states
“resonance field? (when you are in that resonance field)
p  Pass on this for now.  It's about attraction.


247,  T/F  It’s OK for me to retrain my brain.
p  Yes of course.  This is basic and as stated above, you
want to raise your conscious awareness.  Doing this is a
brain and body-memory storage changing event.  A Brain
compares to the hard-wired part of a computer analogy and
memory compares to the soft ware which is stored
throughout all of the cells and DNA or your body.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Monday, November 22, 2010

The One Command "Q" 237 to 239


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



Quiet / Quieting my mind

237,  T/F  Quieting my ‘mind,’ and being mentally still,
is the secret or key for reversing my lack and limitation. 
p   No, There is more to it than just quieting your mind.  It is
a start but only a start.   What you do and are able to do
when quiet is key.  Stopping thoughts, wild, strange or
negative (and even normal ) thoughts is a quantitative thing. 
What is needed is qualitative, a quality of mind, heart emotion
and soul. 

238,  T/F,  Quieting my ‘conscious mind’ will bring
me to theta brain waves, and is the key to reversing my
lack?,  my fear?,   explain.
p  This has just been answered essentially.  You do want
to be able to quiet your mind and get to the theta state of
mind where you can be connected to “Source mind.”  In
Theta you are connected to "Source Mind" Which where
you can rid self of fear, and types of scarcity or lack thinking

239,  When I’m quiet in "witness/observer" state, do I
sometimes or always get into theta state?  explain.
            p   Yes.  Being able to be with and watch your “watcher.” /
            “observer”  does mean you are in the theta state of mind.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

The One Command, "P" 229 to 236


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



229,  T/F  Author says, power vs. powerlessness is
usually a learned childhood trait.  Please Explain.
p   True.  Even though there is a 'before-this-life-time,
pre-agreement' about how certain things will be and likely
become, you do have to come into a physical form as a
human child and then go through the experiences that are
there for you to go through. Childhood is a time to get
patterned and conditioned.  As an adult you do have to have
a place that you come from and then move into your next
choices and other phases of your changing lifetime.

230,  Am I allowed to achieve conscious power?  If I
had conscious power, what would I do with it?
p  Yes of course you are supposed to have conscious
awareness and the power to change or to go for whatever
goals that you choose to go for.   Realize one important
aspect you humans have is that, you are in an important
sense, 'goal-seeking mechanisms.'  Desires, wants and
needs are drivers.  So are imagination, wishes, hopes and
dreams.  They are also drivers.  These drivers are in place
to move you into new options, new choices and new
experiences.  If you took responsibility for your power you
could do many wondeful things. This of course, is up to you
and your decision

231,  Am I supposed to be the power in directing my
life?  If not please explain.
p   Just answered this. Yes you are supposed to be the
power in directing your life.  Do remember the confusion
here is getting to know and understand just who, you really
are.  You are more than just a human being and certainly
you are more than a “human doing.”  You are a soul and
spiritual being who is having a human experience.  There is
a higher part of you.  You want to become more sensitive to
that higher part of yourself.


232,  Do I fear being powerful  explain.
p  This will be an interesting question and answer for you
Richard.  Yes you, or an important part of you, does have
an aversion to big and strong power for yourself, in this
lifetime.  This is primarily due to an important screw-up /
mistake in another lifetime.  Many liabilities to and for you,
stem from this prior experiential condition. You have latent
fear here.  But remember that one experience is not the
same predictor for all time.  All experience is for learning. 
When a lesson has been learned then it has been learned
and needs not to be repeated.  Skiers fall down a lot but this
is a part of learning how to ski.  You did not quit skiing when
you fell down as a skier.  Skiing was more imprtant to you
than the minor inconvenience of falling down.  You just got
up, dusted the snow off and started skiing again.  It was fun.
There is power in fun. 


233, About Power, why do I at times, feel so powerless?
p  Just answered.  You have latent fear in this area.  You
haven’t tried to learn how to be more powerful in some of the
areas that could free you up for more power.  (for example,
like in finances, like in creating wealth)

234,  If powerless as an adult can I change this to
become powerful?  Explain
p    Just answered.  Yes you can change when you take
responsibility to learn how to think, believe and feel
differently about the subject you wish to change.  You like
fun and play.  Make up some kind of game to play.  Have

235,  If I was trained to be powerless in and beyond
childhood did I come into life with a script for
powerlessness?   Explain
p  Yes.  Partly answered.   You (and all souls) who are
coming into a human physical lifetime must go through a
screening of sorts and a discussion leading to an
agreement (covenant) of what you intend to be, do and
have in this life time.  What challenges will you undertake
and which issues will be paramount for you in this lifetime. 
Power and responsibility, and how you handle them  are big
issues for you in this lifetime.  As a child you learned how
to practically be invisible.  You learned how to hide in the
middle of a group and duck out on being called into
leadership and avoid power,  You are only now becoming
aware of these childish strategies.  Now you have to decide
what to do about it and act from this new decision.


236,  Is there anything more I do not know and should
know about my purpose?
p  Yes,  Purpose is about meaning.  There is meaning and
purpose in all of life,  in all of the incidents, in all of the
experiences, in all of the relationships and in all of the
lessons you go through to learn how to achieve and
accomplish your goals.  You are here to learn how to grow ,
expand and evolve for the sake of love and becoming
more lovable and loving.  More could be said about "your"
other purposes,  but let it sink in that your main purpose is
as stated that you are to become more loving and lovable.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Friday, November 19, 2010

The One Command, "P" 221 to 228


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



221,  Do we select our parents prior to coming to this
p  Yes you do and its an extensive and careful process. 
All members of that family must pre-agree to the formation
of that family. 

222,  T/F  my parents neurology affected my training?   
p  Yes!  What they each bring in history and the balance
of assets and liabilities is all calculated to give the most
interesting and balanced challenge you should and could
likely have in that given lifetime.  You have this “covenant”
agreement  and your parental and ancestral inheritance is
all figured in to the mix.

223,  If you can or will comment, What challenges did I
inherit or from my father? And my mother?   
p  At this point its almost academic seeing that you are a
senior of advanced years and they are no longer here in
this dimension.   Some key points are: Your sense of “not
fitting in” (lack of personal attention to you) their low
socioeconomic status,  their indifference to your fuller
greater education and their lack of protecting you from the
nun-abuse, or standing up for you at key times, did “hurt”
you. (you believed)

224,  What did I inherit or get that was positive from my
father?  And my mother?    
p   Your Dad was a good man and a quiet and gentle man.
He had a difficult childhood.  He was a good and hard worker. 
Your mom was a good woman, God loving and had some fire
and spark in her.  She was very loving in a general and social
sense.  She had a difficult childhood and yet, like your dad,
she was easy going and loved her children very much.  She
especially loved you (in abstract and impersonal ways)  but 
three children arriving at 18 months apart was hard on her
and hard on you in the middle of the other two.

225,  What did I Inherit or get from my ancestors either
positive or negative?
p  This is too complex to get into in any detail.  You got a
lot.  (good mind, + ) You have a very good (to great)
personal soul to spirit history.  We shy away from giving you
too much specifics so that, you do not get to use the
information to get a “big head.” ....(or ego) 


226,  Practicing being “Heart-Centered” helps me to
access the theta state and source mind.
p  We covered this before.  Yes practice is very
important.  The repeated work gets right into the “grooving’
of the neurons and brain structure.   Neuronal passage
ways can be like either paths, dirt roads, paved roads and
or even like super highways.  At the stage of Mastery your
brain-mind is like traveling on superhighways.


227,  Do I have a poverty consciousness?  (Explain
the ramifications of a poverty mind set if I have it.).
p  You did have it as a child but as a married young adult
with family responsibilities, you were getting away from it,
but then after divorce you just sort of quit and stopped
caring about money and prosperity.  You are practically at
inertia in this area.  This can change but it will take some
work and a real change of heart.

228,  Do I connect poverty and ‘poor’ to being spiritual? 
p  Yes in a way you do.  Your childhood and past life
influences are responsible for this attitude.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

The One Command "O" 212 to 220


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



212,  T/F  as a clarification of the ‘one command,’
I just follow the 6 steps. I command source mind  /
God mind and my subconscious mind to achieve and
manifest my desires and my good.
p  yes true.  Follow the steps as laid out in the book.

213,  T/F   The one command short shifts my or your
neural net pathways to reprogram my or your  thinking.
p   Yes, true.  This is not commonly known and it will
become “news” worth knowing pretty soon.

214,   Can I use the “one command” technique to

increase my income, pay of my debts, improve my

feelings and get out from under of my financial


p    Yes.  Do the "mental and emotional" work and prove it
is so.

215,  The Author of the ‘one command’ stresses the
command aspect. Why is this relevant?   What is it’s
importance?   Author says; Take it to theta and 
command it done
p     This is important.  God doesn’t want you or anyone to
 be lukewarm or wishy-washy.  Be definite.  Be certain.

216,  Author states: you’ll discover how easy it is to
change the magnetic attraction around you through
the emotions of your thinking and the one command.
p   Yes this is true, (with practice and readiness)

217,  Am I prepared sufficiently to do these one
command exercises successfully?   Author does not
talk about preparation.   Is preparation or readiness
required or not? 
p  You are ready to begin but you are not ready to do this
successfully the way the author states that it can be done
easily and instantly. Practice will bring preparedness. 
Authors often ‘hype’ the easiness or quickness of the
Solution.  People who are already on the spiritual part
could have an advantage in being able to use this
system effectively and more easily.

218,  If someone is basically at inertia, can the one
command overrule low to no momentum?  If it could
override the law of momentum please explain why it
could overcome no, low or slow momentum?
p   This question is interesting.  If a person has no or low
momentum, it will have to be built up.  The One Command,
done right, can accelerate momentum and get it done faster,
much faster than if one command system was not used. 

operating systems. 

219,  Author talks about operating systems.  Is my
operating system (mind) operating OK?    Explain.
p    Yes you and your operating system (your conscious
mind) is OK.  You do need work on your ability to feel
feelings and open up your heart center.

original thoughts

220,  Many original thoughts have come to me.  Why
haven’t I acted upon them?
p  The answer to this is a bit involved.  You have not
followed up on these “ideas” you speak of because of 
‘internal’ beliefs and past life history and karmic blocks. 
Also your own present life conditioning and patterns are a
‘drag’ factor.  


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.
