Monday, November 8, 2010

The One Command, "F" 112 to 121

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




112,   T/F  I don’t know how Richard will have greater faith and
 trust in God.   I know it will happen. I am complete.
p   You already have good faith and trust, up to a certain extent. 
You want more and want to increase “share of mind” for Spiritual
and God related awareness.  As commendable as this is,
remember to practice the feelings and emotional side of this

113,   T/F  I can get to be doubt free in my faith and trust in God. 
p       Yes.  In History you could remember the acts of the martyrs.
They had that kind of faith in their willingness to die for their beliefs. 
You do not usually have to die to have this kind of faith today.
(unless, except to die in your ego state)  What is tough for
people today is to manage their SELF and keep the faith in
the eternal and immortal aspects of living life as a Soul/Spirit

114,   T/F  Faith is required.  It is the step between desire and
p    Yes. It is a belief and a knowledge in the certainty of the

115,  How strong is my faith in God and good.? 
p     You are pretty strong in your faith.  And it could be better if
and when things get tougher than they are now.

116,  How effective or efficient is my faith in God?  How does
 one measure this?  How would you know?
p    This is not an easy question to answer.  You know best if and
when you are tested.  You have not had a serious test yet.

117,  Are faith and trust synonymous or linked together?
p    Close enough and more like different sides of a coin. 


118,  T/F  I can reprogram some of my fears and beliefs. 
Maybe all of them?
p   Yes.  This one command process can and will help if and
when you get into regular practice and you develop the ability
to get into theta brain waves.

119,  Which fears and beliefs are not re-programmable if
p   They are all reprogram-able.  Fear can only exist if and when
you believe in the duality illusion. (it is very easy to get caught up in
this material reality) when you know the truth about God, eternity
and immortality, you can let fear go away for good.

120,  How much fear or fear based thinking do I have or allow
to happen?
p   You have fear because you have been patterned and
conditioned.  You are in the process of coming to know the
greater truth as stated above but you are not out of the woods
yet.  The benefit and advantage of this One Command
process is that you can get results and enjoy this
experience as you continue to learn. 

121,  Do I fear being powerful ? if yes, explain.
p  Yes.  And this is best done offline. 

122,  can I prepare my understanding some way so as to be
anti-fear and not be afraid?
p   Yes you can learn to be unafraid.  This one command
practice with a collection of favorable results will go a long
way to teach you that fear is just an emotion and emotions
can be changed and controlled with successful practice.

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

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