Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The One Command "F" 123 to 130


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




123,  Do wants and desires regulate our thinking through our
p  Yes.  This is primary.  But also to remember; a person has
built up patterns of thinking and behaving.  These thoughts and or
desires can be either positive or negative and your conditioning
does play its part.  Remember you can and do, ultimately willfully
control thinking or you do not control and forfeit your thinking,

124,  What part does my feelings and emotions play in
manifesting anything?  
p  This has already been covered in an answer before.  Your
heart's love and emotions are inextricably connected.  The
subconscious mind (can be found in theta waves) and your 
sacred heart are major controlling points for these energies that
move as emotional feelings

125,  How can I increase my ability to feel my feelings and
know what they are telling me?
p     Practice using your imagination, to build your dreams
and your castles in the air.  Practice, practice and practice
some more.  (...for yourself, why not practice befriending your
"Source Mind.")
126,  What are the relevant distinctions between feelings,
emotions, attitudes, or desires?  Explain please.
p  “Feelings” (to be strictly basic) are just that, feeling what your
nervous system is giving to you through your sensory nerves. 
(but in common talk, feelings and emotions are just about
 p   Emotions are those energies that carry special information
that we generally just call “Emotions” but these ‘emotions’ can be
either qualitatively and quantitativly positive or negative.  Each
basic emotion has many graduated derivatives. (for example:
Fear, hate, anger, jealousy, pride,  etc, etc,…) 
p   Attitudes are an accumulation of a stack or bunch of similar
emotions held in place.  (similar to beliefs being a stack of stored
long held thoughts.)
p   Desires, the important ones, are from the higher self, the soul
self, but some desires also come from the ego, personality human
self.  The trick and the challenge is to be able to sort all of this out
and be able to manage yourself, with intelligent discernment. 


127,  What determines which thought or series of thoughts,
makes it to our focus?
p   This is truly complex.  There is a balancing act with push and
pull that brings in the interplay of desires, beliefs and attitudes and
Will.  Your will is the ultimate focusing and attention placing
instrument, given all of these other factors in play.  Will can be
weak or strong and can vary from time to time, depending on

128,  Do I now understand why I would stay focused on a
certain thought, feeling or event?
p    No you do not yet understand.  Look over the prior answer
and think about these aspects.


129,  T/F  ‘Forgetting’ itself is a necessary feature of living life
as a human and having 'Experience' in this lifetime..
p   Yes, true.  There would be no real challenge if you
absolutely knew this material-physical duality reality is an


130,  How well have I done and am now doing in the area of
forgiveness? Explain
p     You have done fairly well and you still have work to do in this
 area. Especially in forgiving your self.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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