Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The One Command "M & N" 189 to 201


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




189,  Is there a good answer for me when I ask what
does it feel like to be rich, prosperous and unconcerned
 about money.
p     This is an individual matter.  How you feel is a natural
process.  How well you feel will be a developmental matter. 
And its’ another matter if you can decode or understand
your feelings.   To feel and understand riches, wealth and
prosperity, you would need a greater share of your mind
involved in this type of thinking and imagination.  You will
need to do positive imagination exercises with some kind of
regularity for whatever your goal, end or destination you
have chosen.  Start now and get into a regular pattern of
doing this.  We like the “Manifesto” idea you are working on.

189,  I don’t know how I have all the money I need and
want peacefully and easily to pay my bills and debts.  I
only know I do now and I am fulfilled
p  Great.  Keep on doing this sort of one command.

190,   What percentage of share of mind does money
and finances occupy in my mind and  brain?  Does this
 matter to me?
p  Not enough by a long shot.  This does matter to you and
your family and friends.  Both your brain and mind needs to
be involved in thinking good positive thoughts about money
and what you could do with the money that you are hoping,
wishing for and desiring.

191,  T/F  I personally am able to have abundance,
prosperity, wealth and lots of cash.   More than I
would ever need.  (as author and Edwene Gaines says)
p  This is true.  All that is required is for you to do the
mental and emotional work to deserve it.  Remember living
life is meant to be a 'meritocracy' program.  There are laws
of the universe (as an example) such as the “Law of
Compensation” to serve as a reminder.  (You will receive
just compensation for your acts and behavior. )

192,  T/F  Money responds to the desire for it.
p  Basically this is true.  You do understand “any stuff”  
responds to a persons’ qualitative and quantitative
emotional desire for that stuff. 

193,  If a person (like myself) does not desire money
what does this mean?  Explain  is this a problem to
p  A person who does not desire money or great amounts
of money is different than most.  This is neither good nor
bad.  This is what is so for that person, for that time being
looked at.  Each individual person has different desires,
their own desires. This can change if the person wants it to
change.  Each person has a will in which to choose what that
person feels, thinks and believes it wants. 
194,  Is it up to me to retrain my emotional thinking about
 money?  How would I go about doing this?
p   True and correct.  Living life and creating the life you
want is an individual matter.  Be and become responsible for
what you want.  Whatever success you may achieve will
have to start with a goal or whatever you call it, end point,
destination or whatever.   No goal will result in no success.

195,  T/F  A prosperous and rich emotional life is my
 birthright.   What am I doing and have I been doing to
maintain my lack of money?   Explain?
p   You do not think about it, hardly at all.  You are not
investing any emotional energy in this pursuit.  Up to this
point in time you have almost Quit caring, many years ago.
If you wish a change then do remember the Law of
Momentum.  You have very little momentum.  You’re just
about starting from scratch.

196,  What is my level of comfort about money?  Why is
p  You have buried subconscious negative beliefs
about money to rehabilitate.  There is nothing wrong or
bad about money itself.  Its’ use is another matter for
another time.

197,  What blockages do I have about money?  What
could or should I do about this?   Do I have money
grudges, resentments or jealousy issues?  Explain
p  This has basically just been answered.  Meditate on this
and do some forgiveness work.  AT the end of forgiving
others remember to forgive yourself.

198,  Do I know and tell the truth to myself about my
finances?  What’s going on with me and money?
p   Again, you ask the same basic question many times or
ways hoping to find out something new or else.  You are not
thinking and imagining successful uses of money by
yourself, hardly at all and not enough to move the needle on
this issue. You need to get and be responsible for how much
money you have for your use.

199,  How much share of mind does money , wealth,
and finances occupy in my mind?
p   Very little.  See other answers in this section.

200,  What is the correct  or appropriate amount of
share of mind” to produce and create and hold onto
p   This will be an individual answer for each person. 
Basically you need a fair amount both, in your conscious
mind, in your imagination exercises and in your
subconscious emotions and desires.  It depends on the
positive vs. negative energy mix, with your thoughts,
feelings, beliefs, attitudes and karmic history to fully cover
or explain this correctly.  Whatever the past history or past
neglect you or anyone can change this with smart and
dedicated effort, going into “theta brain waves and the
Source Mind.”


201,  How can one like myself become more "now"
p   Practice.  Practice.  And practice some more.  A
person must want this as a goal, an important goal with
attentive work to keep this aware state of now in the


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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