Monday, November 29, 2010

The One Command "R" 240 to 247


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




240,  T/F  Reality is ours for the making.  Explain if I can
really make my own reality.
p   Basically this is true for the most part.  Its been said, “if
you can believe it and perceive it, you can achieve it.  This is
basically true.  (but, if someone said they believed and imagined
they could fly to the sun, this would not happen.)  This said, If
you can perceive and imagine it and believe in it, you can
work for it, and achieve it, in many to most cases.  If
someone chooses a heart-felt or lofty goal and works like a
busy bee, they work like crazy for it, and do not quit on
themself, they have a good chance to achieve it in this
lifetime.  (and if not, there are other lifetimes to go forward
into) When its fully understood, the journey is more important
than the destination.  Having the destination or end goal,
aids greatly in keeping you on course, keeping on the day to
day, right now journey.

241,  What is my preferred reality?   Shouldn’t I know
this consciously and constantly?
p  You have been told many things before about this.  You
pre-agreed to be a volunteer and would work as a utility
player if,  when and where we needed you.  What you are doing
now is good and we are satisfied about this ‘Questioning God
Blog’. You are benefiting yourself and any person who
decides to read and follow this information.  Do write and daily
read your manifesto project that is about to be written.  You do
have other ideas and it has not been decided what to do about
these other ideas.  If we wish something different we will tell
you about it.  This One Command material and process is
good and you will do yourself a lot of good by doing it regularly.

242,  T/F  Author says the reason we do have the reality
we have, is that we have been trained to have that reality
p  Yes.  This is just about always true for people of ordinary
levels of conscious awareness.  Be aware.  Childhood is the
time a person gets patterned and conditioned and then you
have a lifetime to work through these conditions and patterns.
Ultimately you are trying to become aware that you are not
the  “you” whose name is on the birth certificate papers or a
drivers license.  If you do not yet realize it, you will come to
realize you are a soul who is having a human experience.


243,  Am I in something like a receptacle, ready to
receive my good.   Explain receptacle as it relates to
me in the above concept  (book talks about this)
p    If author meant 'receptacle' was similar or equivalent to
your physical body then this is understandable.  You are a
soul and Spirit, part of God, who has been given the gift of
human life for a human experience.  It is richer and more
rewarding to have experience in a physical body dealing with
a material, physically formed world plus dealing with other
Human-experiencing-souls in bodies, who are also trying to
understand and clarify the experiential purification of energy
in this dimension of this reality.

Receptor sites

244,  T/F   Does my  mind-brain-nervous system, send
emotional thoughts to receptor sites through out every
cell in my body?  Explain.
p  Yes.  Your whole body, in cells, molecules, atoms and
subatomic particles, all are aware and intelligent in and at
ways and levels you do not yet understand.  Your emotional
thoughts register and integrate into all of the the other
memory and recorded energies.


245,  Can you and will you tell me how much time and
effort, it takes to reprogram my subconscious mind?
p  Wow!   This is an ambitious question.  You will not likely
be able to reprogram your “Subconscious mind” (completely)
in this lifetime.  The entire scope of all of your Human-to-Soul 
energies are here to be cleansed, purified and rectified..  You
can make major changes and improvements of these
energies in this lifetime as you raise your conscious
awareness.  Getting and going higher in consciousness and
awareness is automatically a cleansing activity.  To get higher
in consciousness you must drop off or shave off the bottom
hanging negative-energy anchor stuff


246,  What does author mean when she states
“resonance field? (when you are in that resonance field)
p  Pass on this for now.  It's about attraction.


247,  T/F  It’s OK for me to retrain my brain.
p  Yes of course.  This is basic and as stated above, you
want to raise your conscious awareness.  Doing this is a
brain and body-memory storage changing event.  A Brain
compares to the hard-wired part of a computer analogy and
memory compares to the soft ware which is stored
throughout all of the cells and DNA or your body.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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