Friday, November 12, 2010

The One Command, "J & K" 147 to 152

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



147,  When I journal and do Q&A with God am I in the Theta
brain wave area?
p   Yes pretty much but you also get a “dispensation.”  When
you do this work for us you are protected and are enveloped in a
special energy that allows us to do this work together,


148,  T/F  I have to release judgments of myself.  I must
forgive myself.
p   True. These (negative) judgments are embedded into your
belief system and as “long-held-thoughts,” they do need to be
forgiven and released.  The One Command process, done
properly will assist in cleaning out these judgments and negative
beliefs.  Remember ‘Belief and judgment’ stuff is embedded in
your DNA and cellular structure.  Because it's stored in the
sub-conscious, this is where you must go to clear it out. 
Because it may have been placed there eons ago, beyond your
ability to consciously remember, you need inside help, a special
help you can only get by coming to a higher place (Soul mind) and
higher entities that are God connected.  Christians would naturally
think of Jesus. 

149,  Q  How do I release judgment stored elsewhere,
other than in my conscious mind?, 
        p   This has pretty much just been answered in the above
            answer.  Yes belief and judgment is stored in more than the
            conscious mind.  It is more in the subconscious mind, which
            extends throughout your entire body in cellular and DNA structures.


150,  Did God say anything like “Karma” is a failed system? 
p   This is a statement taken out of context.  “Cause and effect,”
“Sowing and reaping,” “Laws of action and reaction,” are natural
and consistent with how things work in both the physical and
metaphysical worlds.  So, yes, records are made and kept of all
of your behavior and thinking. 

151,  Is Karma essentially the same as the subconscious
mind or not?  Explain.
p   No, not at all.  The records of karma are in a special system
called the Akashic records. These records are available to the
soul-spirit and Higher parts of yourself. They are taken into
account for the enfoldment of your life experiences.

152,  Author is dismissive of “Karma”   what is the truth about
p   By any other name a rose would smell as sweet.  Karma
 is a part of the overall management and self-development

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

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