Saturday, November 13, 2010

The One Command, "L" 153 to 158

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



153,  Should I do laughing exercises?  Explain
p   Yes they would be good for you.  You do not need to
be compulsive about this but laughing, even in practice, 
is very good for your entire physical body and mind


154,  T/F  I live by the law of cause and effect?
p   Yes this is one way of stating this. The one exception
is for you to remember that God’s grace is available and
not something that you actually earn,  When it’s given its’
given as a gift.

Learn / learning

155,  Q  what is it we are here to learn? (via experience)
p  The simplest answer is you are here to learn to love.  
And some would say, or remember to be loveable and

156,  T/F  I’m guessing the learning lessons are about
learning about love and how to be loving and to do loving
behaviors and have loving relationships.  Its all about
p   Yes we just answered this.  You, the whole you, are
here in material existence to include your physical
energies of your body, mind  and of the interaction with
others' relational energies. You are to harmonize and
balance these energies.  It could be called a cleaning and
clearing operation with all of these energies. The bottom
line is to arrive in a God-like state, of love, for love and by
love in order to love.  GOD IS LOVE and LOVE IS GOD.

 157,  T/F  I am here to learn love,  to learn how to be
loving , to act lovingly in my behavior and to experience
the fruits of a loving relationship (s)
p  This has just been answered.

158,  T/F  Learning is an ongoing experience, a
process of experiencing and integrating the new into the
old …amid high moments of ahaa.
p   Yes. You are (metaphysically and spiritually speaking)
a point of awareness on a process or journey into
consciousness and awareness, to arrive at a state or place
of knowing as God knows.

Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.

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