Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The One Commandm "G" & "H" 131 to 137


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.




131,  How grounded am I usually?
p    You are grounded fairly well and you are living a relatively
simple life, which helps in the grounding effect.

132,  T/F  author states when you state the one command it
is guaranteed that you can be as rich as you imagine and as
financially and emotionally secure as you have always
desired.   if true, please explain and clarify the guarantee part
p    Always read the small print in any guarantee or warranty. 
Yes, it’s guaranteed “IF”… if you are personally prepared, ready,
willing and able to do your part.  Success here or in just about any
endeavor requires you to have built up your skill and ability and
your mental states and share of mind is “focused and up to speed.”



133,  Is it OK for me to have fun and happiness, as I try to do
 my covenant?
p  Yes, of course. If a person is not happy this is an indication of
something that is incorrect, out of place or wrong.  If unhappy,
(look first into your own heart and mind.)  Take seriously the motto:
 “Mind is your greatest tool.  Heart is the entire tool box.”

134,  Am I able to get into my heart zone?  If so, how well? 
Or how can I improve in this area?
            p  Most all need practice and some need more practice than
            others.  You are one that needs more practice.  1 command is a
            good practice for you to get good at.

135,  T/F  Practicing being heart centered helps me to
access theta mind states.
p   Yes!  They work together in more ways than can be easily

136,  What are my real hopes and dreams?
p  You want it all, in just about the same way that everyone wants
 it all.  But, once you get past and over the illusionary stuff, you
want love, health, happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction and self
esteem that comes from participation and contribution to the rest
of your fellow humans

137,  T/F  Turn over the “How” to the greater intelligence
works best?
p  True.  Better words were never said, - (so to speak.)


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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