Monday, November 15, 2010

The One Command "M" 178 to 188


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.



Mind / source mind / Share of mind

178,  How much of my share of mind goes into (a)
money  (b) health  (c) happiness  (d) love  (e) peace of
mind  (f) self esteem and satisfaction   (g) satisfying
relationships  (h) my security
p  A, not enough,  B, could be a bit better, C, not
enough,  D, could be better,  E, fair enough, F, needs
to be better,  G, fair but could be better, F, Needs work.
This  “ Share of mind “ idea is a good one. Think
about it and improve in this are for which you want

179  T/F  Basically, we humans can be either in a
depressed state of mind, or in an expressed state.
p  True

180,  T/F  Go to source mind with “intention” plus a
desire or a goal, and you can shift your consciousness
to produce, manifest or create what you want.
p   True
181,  T/F  Author says source mind is that place in
consciousness from which I create my reality before its
actually physical / material.
p   True

182,  T/F  Author says; your mind cannot hold two
thoughts at the same time.  Explain if Freud’s
conscious and subconscious and or super-conscious
agrees with this statement?
p      If author meant 'conscious' mind as opposed to
entire mind then this is true.  The various parts of your
entire mind parts can and do operate independently.
We are ignoring the Freud theory at this time.

183,  Do I understand a working model of the mind yet?
p   You have a decent understanding of the brain-mind
and central nervous system but not really how the overall
entire mind works.  We can get more deeply into this at
another time.

184,  Explain what parts of me, and my mind are
required before I can manifest. 
p   You need a single mindedness for you to manifest.
Desire, Beliefs, Attitudes, Intention, focused attention
and “Source mind” are all working together.

185,  T/F  every time you concentrate on what you wish
to manifest and then go to theta mind it must manifest. 
Always? Any exceptions.   Explain please.
p  Yes this is true if you allow for the time that may be
required if time or more development is required.

186,  T/F  The most common failure of people is their
inability to maintain the correct state of mind. 
p   True.  In simple language people need to be
mentally aligned and singleminded.  This is having
the conscious and subconscious mind working in
unison, cooperatively as one.

187, Can you explain and clear up this concept of
maintaining my mind,   so I can better understand it in
some detail.
p  Maintaining your mind is speaking of the needed
forgiveness and unwinding of negative judgments, also
disallowing newer incoming negative energies, for the
purpose of a purification process of a persons’ energy


188,  T/F  my life is a miracle
p  Yes, of course.


Thanks for you interest and time. If you could ask God one important
question, what would that be?   Please comment and offer your question.   
Remember, Mind is your number #1 tool.   Love is the entire tool box.


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